
What are the benefits of AI-connected quality control?
Can intelligent sensor technology help with maintenance? In our innovation centers (Modellhalle and Präsenzstellen) you have the opportunity to examine many exciting demonstrators and test them in a real environment. We can show you applications of automation, for production processes, workflows, in quality and control management, as well as in IT security, maintenance and material testing and much more. Have a look at our catalog and contact us if you are interested. We will be happy to advise you and support you in finding the right application for your company.

Model Factory Cottbus

Get to know our demonstrators from the fields of automation, robotics and machine learning

High-performance computing system for the development, testing and application of artificial intelligence

Demonstrator for testing AI applications and other software applications that require high computer capacities.

The colleague robot

How Cobots make my day-to-day work easier

The devils knot - Assembly Instructions by means of voice control

Assembly by means of human-machine interaction

Increased Productivity with the help of a software Bots

Robotic automation for custom LASER engraving and cutting

Product identification with RFID and energy monitoring

Traceability of products and control of the functioning and maintenance information of a device

CNC Milling Machine

Computer aided manufacturing technology

Assistance system Weasl to supports workers

Use of a worker assistance system to provide information

Manufacturing Execution System (MES)

Automated, intelligent networking of machines in modern production systems

The Roadshow – Mobile PickSecure

Optimization of work-processes, error reduction through built-in quality control and shortened the general assembly time


Self-learning conveyor system for energy-efficient bulk material transport

Force measuring station

Test bed for the development of new gripper technologies


A wearable robot that complements the human locomotor system

KILEAN - Learning and Applying Artificial Intelligence

KILEAN is a teaching and transfer system


Digital upgrade of existing plants - making older machines and plants fit for networked production

Vital sign measurements and use of cooperative robots

ViCtoR - Connect Four game against a KI-combined robot

Automatization of processes with the Wildau Smart Testbed

Fully automated production line as learning and test environment for digital solutions

Virtual reality application

Virtual factory environment for visualization and problem solving

Mobile Roboter System - MIR

Autonomous driverless transportation system

Sensor data glove

Digitizing manual assembly and prozesses

Augmented Reality Learning Glasses: HoloLens (LTA4Glasses)

Digital process learning for employee qualification

Application LTA2Go

Qulification and Trainings Application for education

Applying robotics in SMEs (SMErobotics)

Assembly cell for flexible production in small batch sizes and future adaptation

Robot Application

The robot as an assistant and partner

Energy monitoring

Early detection of leakages and wear and tear

A Practice Lab for Logistics (Learning Factory)

The "state of the art" in logistics at your fingertips