Partners and Promoters

Logo BVMW Brandenburg

BVMW Brandenburg Süd-Ost

We are designing the most attractive service and network platform for entrepreneurs in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.



AI in Manufacturing, Testing and Experimentation Facilities Network for European industries.

AI-MATTERS is a network of seven nodes and one satellite aiming at increasing the resilience and the flexibility of the European manufacturing sector through the deployment of the latest developments in AI and robotics, and intelligent, autonomous systems for flexible production.

Logo Digital Agentur Berlin

Digital Agentur Berlin (DAB)

As a central coordination point for digitalization, we support Berlin companies with our offers.  Free of charge and provider-neutral. Our funding from the state of Berlin ensures this. Our values ​​are based on the principles of cooperative work. They help us to align our corporate culture. We raise awareness of digitalization among Berlin companies and inform them about the opportunities of digital transformation. We accompany them successfully on this path.

Logo Digital Agentur Brandenburg GmbH

Digital Agentur Brandenburg GmbH

Depending on requirements, we also take on the role of coach, subject matter expert, mediator and network manager or develop ideas and initiate projects on our own initiative. The aim of our actions is to use digital technologies for the greatest possible benefit for the people of Brandenburg.

Logo ICT Cortex Montenegro

ICT Cortex Montenegro

We bring together renowned ICT companies and communities in Montenegro, which have recognized the importance and necessity of our organization for the digital development of Montenegro. Through synergy, we create new business opportunities and contribute to digital transformation at international level, but we also promote Montenegro as a significant country for IT investments.

Logo Zukunftszentrum Brandenburg

Zukunftszentrum Brandenburg

We support companies across all industries in their changes in digital transformation (KNOWLEDGE) and look at your specific needs in order to provide you with the most tailored support possible. You can also use our practical learning opportunities on a wide range of topics (MAKE)to become fit for digital, demographic and ecological change!

Logo StartINN


The startINN project creates physical and digital spaces in which ideas are developed and projects implemented together. Equipped with high-end technology and flexible workstations , all members of the Wildau University of Applied Sciences have access to the infrastructure in the pre-start-up phase to turn ideas into reality.

Logo EDIH Suedwest

EDIH Suedwest

Our experienced and broadly positioned consortium  offers you support tailored directly to your needs so that you can face the changes that digitalization brings with it with confidence. And the best thing about it: most of the services are largely free of charge for small and medium-sized companies and for public administration.

Logo EDIH Thuringia - BMH

EDIH Thuringia - BMH

The European Digital Innovation Hub Thuringia incorporates the digital success vision and services as a consortium, coordinated by Bauhaus.Mobility (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Verkehrssystemplanung) including the members Bauhaus Weiterbildungsakademie Weimar e.V., BPV Consult GmbH, highQ Computerlösungen GmbH, NT Neue Technologien AG, Technische Universität Ilmenau (Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität, Thüringer Zentrum für Lernende Systeme und Robotik) and WeLoveApps GmbH.

Logo P.R.I.D.E.


P.R.I.D.E. will offer services capable of supporting and accelerating the digital transformation of the region’s economy and industry in Campania, allowing businesses, citizens and public administrations to benefit from its advantages. PRIDE aims at addressing these challenges:1) Create the Regional Supply Chain of Digital Services according to a Hub and Spoke model 2) Accelerate the digital transition of strategic regional production systems through an offer at discounted prices (indirect incentives) of qualified and differentiated services to support SMEs and PA investments in cutting-edge 4.0 technologies and by improving access to innovative financial instruments 3) Support human capital qualification processes towards the development of advanced digital skills 4) Promote a Sustainable digitalization by building Digital Communities in synergies with European



Our EDIH NEB provides services to small, medium-sized companies (up to 499 employees) and public organisations primarily from the Liberec and Hradec Kralove regions. You will find here in one place all consulting, testing and implementation of digital technologies, services and training on the topic of digitalization or assistance with grant management. We offer support and advice from experts in digitalisation and subsidy management from the members of the EDIH NEB consortium – Technical University of Liberec (CXI), VUTS, University of Hradec Kralove, Aricoma, National Cluster Association, Regional Development Agency and Centre for Investment, Development and Innovation.

Logo Cispa


CISPA is committed to the highest academic standards and scientific excellence. It offers a world-class research environment that provides extensive resources to its researchers. As a leading international research center for information security, CISPA is an exceptional place for the world's best talent and researchers.

Logo Nemonor


To help Norwegian companies take part in this technological revolution, the leading artificial intelligence communities in Norway have come together and created Nemonoor. Our only goal is to get more Norwegian businesses to adopt artificial intelligence. At Nemonoor, you meet experts who not only know the possibilities inherent in advanced digital technologies, but who also understand your industry - such as production, health, energy or cities and society



Our regional European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) named LUBDIGHUB for Lublin, Poland is acting as a one-stop shop for the companies in the digital and green (energy) transformation. We provide complex services to support the deployment of new technologies and innovation to SMEs and public sector organisations conducting non-economic activities. We support developing capacities in High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Advanced Digital Skills. The specialization of LUBDIGHUB is green (energy) transformation.



The Dutch Societal Innovation Hub is the hub for strengthening interregional cooperation for a mission-driven approach in the public sector in times of data and digital technology. Together we are working on responsible, people-centered solutions for the societal challenges around climate-neutral cities and regions, healthy soil and biodiversity, and climate adaptation.  

DiGiNN Logo


DiGiNN is a one-stop-shop for all companies and public sector organisations, providing them an end-to-end experience in their digitisation journey; from coaching and mentoring by reputable experts, access to the most advanced infrastructure and facilities, support to find investments, to networking and access to innovation ecosystems. To achieve this, we gather the local champions in digital technologies, including all relevant Centres of Excellence, and partner them with both National industrial representation bodies and sectoral associations, establishing the direct interface between state-of-the-art offer and broad demand. Blending in are the most active incubators, whose mission is to nurture innovative start-ups in the early stages of commercialisation and support them in terms of upskilling, networking and accessing funds for further development.

Logo GR digiGOV-innoHUB

GR digiGOV-innoHUB

GR digiGOV innoHUB aims to support the development of a new generation of Public services based on advanced digital technologies, open standards and open source solutions for citizens and businesses; to enrich the ecosystem of Digital Transformation actors; and to facilitate innovation in Public Administration, transforming it into a large innovation buyer and investor. It will act as a virtual GOVtech Lab that can accelerate the development, innovative and cost-effective digital solutions through agile and efficient "borderless" collaborations among the public and private sectors, the civil society and academia.



EDIH4IAE.LT will provide an opportunity for agro-food, energy and industrial companies and authorities in the region of Western and Central Lithuania to integrate environmental, digital and social solutions into their main business models. The goal is to make the digital transformation of the industry, food and energy sectors more efficient, giving priority to business and public entities operating in the region of Western and Central Lithuania and to the implementation of basic digital technologies (high performance computers, artificial intelligence and cyber security).

Logo Robocast


EDIH consortia provide businesses with strategic support in leveraging digital solutions from a business perspective, facilitating the adoption process, identifying potential partnerships, augmenting expertise, and securing funding. EDIH entities are committed to delivering these services to enterprises. Robocoast EDIH tailors its services predominantly for SMEs within the manufacturing sector, yet we enthusiastically cater to businesses of all sizes across various industries, including yours.



The Finnish AI Region, or FAIR, offers businesses low-threshold expertise in artificial intelligence, augmented reality, high-performance computing, and cyber security. Most of our services are free of charge. We aim to accelerate and expand the adoption of artificial intelligence in small and medium-sized enterprises.



The EDIH.SH supports small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and public administration organisations with free offers in the sustainable digital transformation. We support you in making sustainable use of the possibilities of digitisation and in determining the right starting points for your digitisation project - from the generation of ideas via thetechnological feasibility up to financing advice.



The focus of the DIBI is the digitization of the manufacturing sector as one of the most important economic sectors in Bavaria - despite progressive structural change.

Logo DIH4AISec


The European Digital Innovation Hub for AI and Cybersecurity (DAISEC) supports companies and the public sector in Lower Saxony in the application and development of AI technologies and Cybersecurity measures. The Hub serves as the central point of contact for the target groups, coordinates and bundles partner services, and manages the networking activities.



Welcome to EDITH – your “European Digital Innovation Hub” in Hesse! Our mission is to bridge the digital gap in Hesse and to enable the region to be one of the smartest and most sustainable ones in Europe. We provide free support to you as small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs), start-up or public administration organisation in planning and implementing your digitalisation projects.

Technische Hochschule Wildau

TH Wildau

We are a modern campus university and align our offerings with current developments. We put people at the center. We combine tradition and modernity, are regionally rooted and internationally networked.
Together, we increase the attractiveness of our study and research location and show ways in an increasingly fast-changing world. We strengthen cooperation. We combine teaching, research and transfer and test new forms of regional and international cooperation.

BTU Cottbus Senftenberg

BTU Cottbus Senftenberg

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus Senftenberg develops practice-relevant solutions for future issues and offers students a challenging education with individual support. It promotes cultural diversity through internationalization and enriches university interaction. All members of the university community contribute to its success and strengthen skills and enthusiasm among students and employees.

Co-funded by EU

Co-funded by Euorpean Union

This project is supported by the European Union

EDIH European Digital Innovation Hubs Network


"The network is currently comprised of 151 EDIHs that are co-funded by the European Commission´s Digital Europe Programme and 76 EDIHs with Seal of Excellence.

With the support of our European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs), companies can digitally transform and improve their business and production processes, products or services. SMEs gain access to essential technical expertise and innovation services, such as financing advice, training, and skills development, and more."

"The EDIH Networks core mission is to build up the digital capacities of SMEs and public sector organisations throughout the European Union. To accelerate digital transformation, the EDIH Network is focused on building capacity and leveraging cutting-edge technologies in key sectors in every European Union Member State."


Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB)

WFBB is your contact for foreign direct investment and workforce development services in the State of Brandenburg. Our comprehensive all-round service for companies, investors, start-ups and skilled workers is unique in Germany. Individual advice and active support are a matter of course for us - free of charge, of course. The experts in our specialist teams are always happy to hear your interest and are available for further discussions. We have divided our range of services into seven compact service packages for you.

EGC Wirtschaftsförderung Cottbus

EGC Wirtschaftsförderung Cottbus

As the city's economic development agency, we are responsible for developing, strengthening and marketing Cottbus as a business and science location. We support and assist companies in establishing businesses, developing and marketing commercial sites, and collecting all information on available commercial real estate.

Thiem-Research GmbH

Thiem-Research GmbH

As a research institution of the Carl Thiem Klinikum (CTK), the non-profit Thiem-Research GmbH develops new concepts and health technologies not only in the laboratory but in the middle of the reality of everyday care. With our interdisciplinary team, we research future medicine in innovative projects and make our data available for research and healthcare. As part of the Germany-wide network of university medicine and the medical informatics initiative, we are establishing a data integration center and using our 'Gesunde-Lausitz' network for regional pilot projects.

Handwerkskammer Cottbus

Handwerkskammer Cottbus

The Cottbus Chamber of Crafts was established by the legislature in 1953 as a public-law corporation to carry out self-governing tasks in the area of the crafts and skilled trades industry. Around 9,700 craft enterprises are currently active in the Cottbus Chamber district. The administrative district covers the four counties of Dahme-Spreewald, Spree-Neiße, Oberspreewald-Lausitz and Elbe-Elster, as well as the independent city of Cottbus. Almost 1,700 vocational training relationships are registered in the chamber district.

Berlin Partner

Berlin Partner

Berlin Partner works on economic growth, promotes business, technology and innovation, and presents the advantages of the capital to companies, investors and talents.
Berlin Partner supports companies and scientific institutions that are already established in the region in their expansion plans and connects them within the strong Berlin Partner network. In addition, Berlin Partner's experts provide information on funding opportunities and advise on the search for suitable locations or highly qualified personnel.



EUNICE, the European University for Customised Education, is designed to solve social and economic challenges, both globally and locally. The alliance is nurtured by seven universities’ intellectual and infrastructure input, resulting in a solid network of crossed interactions between educational institutions, industry and business partners, as well as other social, cultural, artistic and sports stakeholders.

Logo I4MS


ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) promoted by the European Commission to expand the digital innovation of manufacturing SMEs in Europe. As an SME or a mid-cap you can apply for technological and financial support to experiment with different technologies and services to improve the innovation skills of your staff and the technologies and services your company provides.

Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen Logo

Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen

The WFS promotes Saxony as a business location and advises potential investors comprehensively from the initial idea all the way to the implementation of their relocation projects.
In addition, the WFS assists Saxony’s companies in achieving their export goals and initiates cooperations with companies located outside of Saxony. The objective is to open up new international markets for Saxony’s business community and to create new jobs in Saxony.

EIT Digital Logo

EIT Digital

EIT Digital embody the future of innovation by mobilizing a pan-European multi-stakeholder open-innovation ecosystem of top European corporations, SMEs, startups, universities and research institutes, where students, researchers, engineers, business developers and investors address the technology, talent, skills, business and capital needs of digital entrepreneurship. We build the next generation of digital ventures, digital products and services, and breed digital entrepreneurial talent, helping business and entrepreneurs to be at the frontier of digital innovation by providing them with technology, talent, and growth support.

Digital Impact North Logo

Digital Impact North

Digital Impact North (DIN) is a Digital Innovation Hub in north Sweden, focused on Smart Sustainable Societies, characterized by the diversity and challenges specific to societies in sparsely populated areas. DIN builds on the region’s long collaboration culture spanning all kinds of sectors and industries, based on strong research in IT, AI and digitalization, competitive industry ecosystems, world-leading industries in manufacturing, green industrial megaprojects and industrial frontiers in disruptive technologies and green conversion.

WRO4digITal EDIH Wrocław Logo

WRO4digITal EDIH Wrocław

Our mission is to achieve a networking effect and build an ecosystem of digital innovations for the needs of SMEs. Through educational and demonstration activities, we provide access to specialist knowledge and equipment, and our individual consulting and implementation services offer expert support in the search for digital solutions. Our activities also aim to connect with suppliers of appropriate technologies or potential business partners and provide support in searching for financing.

EDIH Saxony Logo

EDIH Saxony

EDIH Saxony supports small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and public administration in the introduction of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data or 5G connectivity. Under the motto "first test, then invest", SMEs and public sector organisations in particular are to be enabled to make their business and production processes, products or services even more competitive.



NET4AI connects cross-sector players from business and science in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region.
Innovative topics and technologies of the future are examined from a cross-sectoral perspective, especially from the perspective of artificial intelligence, and jointly developed by the NET4AI network partners.

Mittelstand-Zentrum Spreeland

Mittelstand-Zentrum Spreeland

In the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Spreeland network, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), including start-ups and craft businesses, can find experienced contacts for the further digitalization of their work processes. Our support offers are free of charge thanks to government funding.

com(m) 2020

com(m) 2020

Actively shaping healthcare provision in Lausitz and strengthening the healthcare industry as a value-creating sector in structural change - that is the common goal of our WIR! Bündnisses com(m) 2020. The beginnings of our alliance go back to close cooperation between the Carl-Thiem Clinic in Cottbus, the largest maximum-care hospital in Brandenburg, and the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, the only technical university in the state. Together we want to harness technological potential to strengthen health care in the region.

EuroRegion Spree-Neiße-Bober

EuroRegion Spree-Neiße-Bober

The task of the Spree-Neisse-Bober Euroregion is to help overcome the problems of the border region, to develop a regional identity, to bring Germans and Poles together in a common economic region with improved and above all equal living conditions. Furthermore, the Euroregion aims to promote the international spirit, tolerance in all areas of culture, the idea of international understanding and thus would like to contribute to successful European integration.

DigIT Hub Sweden EDIH

DigIT Hub Sweden EDIH

Through DigIT Hub Sweden, we use digitization as an engine to create sustainable and efficient working methods, strengthened competitiveness and better adapted services. We help organizations keep up with the digital transition and meet the expectations of customers, employees and citizens who are becoming increasingly digital.

Enterprise Europe Network EEN

Enterprise Europe Network EEN

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) helps companies innovate and grow internationally. It is the world's largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions.
The network operates worldwide. It brings together experts from member organizations known for their excellence in business support.
Member organizations include: Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), regional development organizations, universities and research institutes, and innovation agencies.


AI 4 Europe


AI4EU: Building the European AI On-Demand Platform AI4EU is the main initiative funded by the European Commission to create a supportive platform for European organizations to share AI knowledge and bring together AI research experts to support innovation and technology transfer to SMEs. As a Supportive Partner of AI4EU, TH Wildau promotes knowledge exchange between AI experts and AI recipients, supports the use of the platform and provides access to funding opportunities.