
Presence point Luckenwalde

Expert / Contact
Bastian Prell, M. Sc.
Technische Hochschule Wildau
+49 (0) 3375 508 439

Presence point of Technische Hochschule Wildau

Space for your projects
Creativity and innovative strength arise above all when people from different areas work and experiment together. We would like to support this form of co-working at Luckenwalde presence and have created various innovative focus areas:

In our coworking space, you can work on your projects in a secluded and concentrated manner or develop ideas and strategies in a team.

Our makerspace is all about developing and realizing your ideas. It is to be understood as a workshop in the broadest sense.

In the showroom, you can present your projects or get to know and test other innovative developments and technologies.

Information about the location on the TH Wildau website

Website of the presence point

The concept for a university presence in Luckenwalde in the district of Teltow-Fläming was developed in close cooperation between the Wildau University of Technology, the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences and the city of Luckenwalde.

Where can you find this Demonstrator get to know?
Hub Wildau. Presence point Luckenwalde
Beelitzer Straße 24
14943 Luckenwalde


5G network at BTU Cottbus and Senftenberg

In this lecture, we present BTU's 5G campus networks in Cottbus and Senftenberg. In addition to technical data such as transmission rates and range, we briefly present various application possibilities from various fields such as IoT, predictive maintenance, medical technology, and sensor networks.

Exoskeletons as future technology

This workshop is offered as part of Connect Health Brandenburg 2025 and is aimed at employees in nursing professions in hospitals and companies.

AI evening in Spremberg

The Spremberg office, together with the Kreisvolkshochschule (adult education center), invites you to an inspiring and informative lecture on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI).


Open Lab Day ViNN:Lab

Open Lab Day - Open for All.

From now on, the ViNN:Lab is open again as part of the weekly Open Lab Day. 

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