
Wildau Smart Testbed

Expert / Contact
Bastian Prell, M. Sc.
Technische Hochschule Wildau
+49 (0) 3375 508 439

Automatization of processes with the Wildau Smart Testbed.

The Wildau Smart Testbed (WST) is a fully automated production line, including logistics and picking robots. Serving as learning and testing environment for digital solutions it aims to streamline processes. The modular structure of the Testbed allows for easy learning and testing experiences, and the system can be scaled up to form a complex network with other systems in a factory environment.

The WST offers a variety of test and presentation options for development companies, PLC manufacturers, as well as production companies which are considering automating their product lines. The use of mechatronics, robotics, sensor technology, pneumatics, and drive technology, among others, provides insights into possibilities of a fully automated and intelligent production line.

The Testbed also features various drives, motors, and pneumatic cylinders that can be controlled in combination with the system, as well as different sensor technologies like lasor or color sensors for various test tasks. Handling components such as vacuum switches, pressure switches, and pneumatic muscles are used to assemble and ultimately, the WST's manufacturing execution system (MES) generates customer-specific orders, monitors the processes, and derives production key figures.

Technology: Mechatronics, robotics, mobile robotics, sensor technology, pneumatics, drive technology, commissioning, communication technology, HMI visualization, automated guided vehicles, digital twin technology, AR, energy monitoring, Scada-system

Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Wildau. At the University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau; Hochschulring 1; 15745 Wildau


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