
Corporate succession for Brandenburg

Shaping the future together: Matchmaking inspires participants at TH Wildau


Numerous companies in Brandenburg are currently looking for a suitable successor and are increasingly relying on young people with innovative ideas. To this end, the AlEx | Alumni for Excellence team at TH Wildau organised the 2nd Matching Day. Numerous companies came to discuss digitisation processes and Lucie Töpfer, Marc Seiffert and Munay Zamorano talked about their hurdles and successes in corporate succession. Our highlights were the committed participants and the subsequent, intensive networking and dynamic exchanges. 

The event was supported by: 
IHK Ostbrandenburg, IHK Potsdam, IHK Cottbus, Chamber of Crafts Potsdam, Chamber of Crafts Cottbus, Bürgerschaftsbank Brandenburg, Grund in Brandenburg, WFG Dahme-Spreewald mbH

Further information: Foundation and succession for AlEx | alumni of TH Wildau 


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