Funding Opportunies
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Research Allowance Act
The federal government also promotes research and development of companies for tax purposes. Further information at TH Wildau:
Information from the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)
Certificationbody for research allowance
State of Brandenburg
Program Family "Brandenburgischer Innovationsgutschein" (Brandenburg Innovation Voucher)
With the "Brandenburg Innovation Voucher" funding programme, innovation projects in Brandenburg's small and medium-sized enterprises (including craft enterprises)drives) in order to strengthen the competitiveness and innovative strength of SMEs. This is to be achieved through various program lines:
- Measures to support the knowledge and technology transfer of research institutions in companies (big transfer)
- Implementation of research and development projects (BIG-FuE)
- Preparation and implementationg of digitisation measures in one's own company (BIG-Digital)
- Support for participation in research, development and innovation-relevant EU funding measures (BIG-EU)
Entitled to apply are small and medium-sized enterprises according to the EU definition, including craft enterprises with a registered office or at least one permanent establishment in the state of Brandenburg and(except for BIG-digital) carry out the GRW-eligible activities and fulfil the primary effect. The policy is currently valid until 31.12.2023.
Further information from TH Wildau on the programme can be found at:
Website of the donor (ILB – Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg) for the programme:
General information at TH Wildau zu Förthe programmes for research and development:

Horizon Europe (HORIZON)
The current framework program for research and innovation, “Horizon Europe”, promotes research into important societal issues. HORIZON officially launched on January 1, 2021. The second of the three program pillars, Global Challenges & Industrial Competitiveness (Pillar II), offers companies the opportunity to get involved in joint projects.
Further information on the program website of TH-Wildau

Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)
“Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)” is a nationwide, technology and industry-open funding program with which the innovative power and thus the competitiveness of medium-sized companies strengthened in the long term. The program aims to support companies in developing value creation potential and raising the level of application-oriented knowledge.
Program webpage BMBF:
Further information on the program website of TH-Wildau

Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)
The “Digital Europe Programme” places a special focus on digitalization. It aims to bridge the gap between digital technology research and its application, and aims to bring the research results to the market - for the benefit of European citizens and businesses, especially SMEs. Investments under the Digital Europe program will support the EU's twin objectives of "green and digital transitions" to strengthen the EU's resilience and open strategic autonomy.
Further information on the program website of TH-Wildau

KMU innovativ
With “KMU innovativ” program, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research intends to support small and medium-sized companies in conducting cutting-edge research. The development of projects can take place within 10 set technology fields and advice is provided by pilot services.
Program webpage: