
Interview with experts from the EDIH pro_digital in the Märkische Oderzeitung

Martin Lautsch of EDIH pro_digital gave an insightful interview to the Märkische Oderzeitung. In it, he talks about the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in the medical field.


In the interview, Martin Lautsch emphasises how AI not only helps to identify complex patterns, but also makes administrative processes more efficient. These automations create space for medical staff to devote themselves more intensively to patient care. In addition, the role of AI in preventive medicine and personalized therapy will be examined that have the potential to sustainably improve medical care.
Read the full article in the Märkische Oderzeitung above to learn more about the exciting developments in the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Chair of Automation Technology
Martin Lautsch

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