

Expert / Contact
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH) Carsten Heintze
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
+49 (0) 355 69 2643

Applying robotics in SMEs (SMErobotics)

We understand, that SMEs face challenges of balancing a high number of variant counts and small batch sizes. This makes automation economically more difficult. Many activities remain manual, despite technical feasibility. The good news is that SEMrobotics can offer solutions by performing assemgly tasks that are difficult to implement with conventional technology. With our assistance, SMEs can optimize production processes and increase efficiency with our help.

The assembly cell of SMErobotics research project enables flexible production of hydraulic valve segments in small batch sizes and allows flexible adaptation to future products. KUKA LBR iiwa robot with three different, interchangeable end effectors (two-finger gripper, electric screwdriver, pneumatically operated magnetic gripper) is used for this. The start of the production process and the programming of new variants take place via a graphical user interface directly on the robot cell.

Integrated Force-torque sensors in robot enable technically challenging assembly of hydraulic valves. In additon, inline quality controll of all assembled units is carried out by a robot.  
This application detects component defects and reduces rework costs 
Frequent changes between different and new product variants are possible, thanks to the smart programming and operating system integrated in the cell. The system is easy to learn by operators with little knowledge in robotics and programming.

Businesses are welcome to visit the demonstrator at our model factory at BTU Cottbus

AI, digital twin technology, image processing technology

Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Cottbus. At the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg; Siemens-Halske-Ring 14; 03046 Cottbus


5G network at BTU Cottbus and Senftenberg

In this lecture, we present BTU's 5G campus networks in Cottbus and Senftenberg. In addition to technical data such as transmission rates and range, we briefly present various application possibilities from various fields such as IoT, predictive maintenance, medical technology, and sensor networks.

Exoskeletons as future technology

This workshop is offered as part of Connect Health Brandenburg 2025 and is aimed at employees in nursing professions in hospitals and companies.

AI evening in Spremberg

The Spremberg office, together with the Kreisvolkshochschule (adult education center), invites you to an inspiring and informative lecture on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI).


Open Lab Day ViNN:Lab

Open Lab Day - Open for All.

From now on, the ViNN:Lab is open again as part of the weekly Open Lab Day. 

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