
The Inno Radar

Contact person

Marko Bahle
+49 (0) 3375 508742

The Inno Radar app is an innovative solution for the systematic exploration and application of new technologies.

The challenge?
In today's corporate landscape, monitoring existing and emerging technologies is an omnipresent challenge and a trend that continuously presents opportunities and risks. Historical examples such as Nokia and Kodak show that overlooking such developments can cost companies their market leadership.for small and medium-sized enterprises, it is a considerable challenge to identify technological trends at an early stage and to act accordingly. A proactive approach to new digital technologies and their potential is therefore essential.

Our solution?
The Inno Radar app is an innovative solution for systematic exploration and applicationnew technologies. Users can collect, evaluate, discuss and share information. By creating customizable radars tailored to specific use cases, the app provides a structured overview of technological developments. Teams can collaborate and share their insights in an interactive way, making the Inno Radar app ais an indispensable tool for technology management.

The methodology
behind the Inno Radar app is based on the concept of technology radar, a graphical visualization that arranges technologies in a circular layout, divided by quadrants and rings. This presentation provides a clear overview of the current research statusand the economic potential of the technologies. Quadrants represent specific areas of technology, while the rings indicate the proximity to market maturity.

How does it work?
The app not only helps users to collect and evaluate data, but also to disseminate the results. The Inno Radar app is characterized by high user-friendlinessand adaptable design options and effective collaboration functions. Users can create, present, and share interactive radars without additional software. Results can be exported in various formats such as PDF, CSV or PowerPoint, and the responsive design ensures seamless use on all devices.

Where can youget to know this demonstrator?
Visit to discover sample radars or register for free. Start by unlocking the potential of new technologies for your business and stay one step ahead with Inno Radar.

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