
Cooperative robots

Expert / Contact
Bastian Prell, M. Sc.
Technische Hochschule Wildau
+49 (0) 3375 508 439

Vital sign measurements and use of cooperative robots

In automation technology, the human factor is often neglected. Current trends are breaking down the previous relationship, in which employees have to follow the machines. The ViCtoR system contributes to making machines empathetic. We are researching how vital signs can be used to make machine configuration parameters as comfortable as possible for the human collaborator.

ViCtoR allows humans to compete against an AI in a game of four-in-a-row while simultaneously measuring the vital signs of the human opponent. In addition to the intellectual challenge, the human is confronted with movements by the robot. The collected data from the human is used to adjust movement patterns as well as reconfigure the AI's game strategy.

The system serves SMEs, government agencies and start-ups as an example of how artificial intelligence works, learns and reacts. Victor raises awareness and enthusiasm for the topics of robotics, AI, human-robot cooperation and robot integration. It emphasises flexibility and knowledge transfer. 

Technologies: Digital twin technology, robotics, human-robot cooperation, vital measurement, sensor technology, Airskin sensor technology/touch detector, image processing, mobile ECG and blood pressure measurement, gripping system.

Used in medical laboratories, production, carpentry, bakery. Especially monotonous or repetitive tasks such as loading machines, quality controll, loading or unloading charge carriers

Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Wildau. At the University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau; Hochschulring 1; 15745 Wildau


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