Artificial intelligence - curse or blessing? Public panel discussion
Public panel discussion with scientists from Brandenburg
Chat GPT has been on everyone's lips for weeks and with it the question: Is artificial intelligence a curse or a blessing? This question will be discussed publicly in the Old Town Hall in Fürstenwalde on 21 September 2023 by scientists from Brandenburg universities.
The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining in importance due to increasing digitization in all areas of life. Many people only became aware of how far research and everyday application of artificial intelligence has progressed through the hype surrounding ChatGPT.
We want to address the questions of where AI will develop, what potentials but also risks this Technology bears for humans. Where can AI be used sensibly, for example, to relieve employees in nursing? What regulations and what commitment are required in teaching and for pupils and students?
Scientists from the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and the Wildau University of Applied Sciences will show their current research, and discuss with the audience opportunities and challenges by the use of artificial intelligence in nursing, migration, jurisprudence and teaching and training.
• We welcome question submissions that are collected and prepared in preparation for the eventden:
• Registrations for 21 September 2023 are possible
Admission is free. Registrations are necessary due to the limited space capacity.
The event is part of the series ,Science meets society` and is organized together with our partner NET4AI - Network for Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Wildau and the European News School of Digital Studies of the European University Viadrina.