Wildauer Administration Day
"Brandenburg's cities, municipalities, offices and districts are under pressure: an ever-growing catalog of tasks, society's higher expectations, new technologies, shortages of staff or finances are just some of the challenges. Administration is becoming more complicated and there is no prospect of this trend being reversed."
"In recent years, Wildau University of Applied Sciences has become an important center for the training of junior staff as well as for research and support for public authorities. We want to make these competencies more usable for administrative practice and deepen the cooperations. The Wildau Administration Day is aimed at the municipalities of Brandenburg. It offers a forum to acquire new knowledge, to deepen the exchange with other municipalities, to expand the contacts to the university and last but not least to give the faculty valuable suggestions.
The Wildau Administration Day is geared towards interaction. In addition to lectures and discussions in the plenum at the beginning and end of the day, the focus is deliberately on several workshops. In these, professors from the university present current and relevant topics and discuss them with practitioners.
At the Wildau Administration Day, municipal employees from different regions, size categories and departments come together to discuss pressing challenges of the present and future with academia and students.
We look forward to your visit."