
Review of Connected Health Brandenburg 2025

At the Connected Health Brandenburg 2025 (CHB25) on the campus of the University of Potsdam, we gained exciting insights into the current challenges of digitisation in the healthcare sector. We were particularly impressed by the variety of creative and dynamic approaches to successfully master them. More than 220 participants were on site!

Exoskellett in Aktion beim Hochheben von Flaschenkisten mit Publikum
Exoskellett in Aktion beim Hochheben von Flaschenkisten

Exciting insights into the digitisation of healthcare
On 26 February 2025, the University of Potsdam's campus hosted Connected Health Brandenburg 2025 (CHB25), an event that addressed the current challenges of digitisation in healthcare. More than 220 participants were on site andoffered exciting insights into a variety of creative and dynamic approaches to successfully overcome these challenges.

Exoskeletons and their potential in the healthcare sector
During the lunch break, it was then called hands-on: Numerous interested parties had the opportunity to try out our exoskeleton demonstrator. Although exoskeletons are currently only used to a limited extent in the health sector, there was great interest in their potential for prevention, deerabilitation and a possible qualification for use in nursing. This interactive demonstration impressively illustrated the innovative possibilities offered by such technologies.

Exoskellett in Aktion beim Justieren der Straps
Einstellen und Justieren beim Exoskellett

Successful workshops and presentations
The event was a complete success and once again showed that Brandenburg is on the move and that innovative technologies can make an important contribution to making health and care sustainable in the future. With a total of 14 workshops and presentations, the program on "Connected Healthcarerich information for the future of the healthcare industry.

Highlight: The Start-up Arena
A special highlight of CHB25 was the Start-up Arena, which, thanks to the active support of the Startup Unit of the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB), the Startup Service of the University of Potsdam and Brandenburg Kapital GmbH, where everything revolved around the different phases of a startup – from the foundation to the development of a business model to growth and scaling. This dynamic platform offered startups the opportunity to present their ideas and make valuable contacts.

Exoskellett in Aktion beim Flaschenkistenheben
Exoskellett in Aktion beim Flaschenkistenheben

Cooperation with renowned partners
The event was organised in cooperation with the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Brandenburg, the DigitalAgentur Brandenburg GmbH, Brandenburg universities and research institutions. These partnerships enabled a wide range of topics and perspectives that the Veramade the event so successful.


Many thanks to all participants, partners and organizers who made this wonderful event possible. Your commitment and support are critical to the success of such initiatives and help drive digitalization in healthcare.


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Funding Wednesday - Introduction to the application process

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