Simon Wilbers

Simon Wilbers has multiple Years of Lean and Quality Management experience. He worked in the automobile industry, renewable energies and consulting. Gaining experience with Mercedes-Benz Trucks, Vestas Wind Systems, Hitachi Consulting and EFESO consulting. More recently, his focus has shifted toward the application of artificial intelligence, with his work for FactoryPal and the University of Applied Sciences Wildau.

Frank Quadt, M.Sc.

Frank Quadt is a valuable member of the IC3 research group and is active in the field of speech recognition, 3D printing, image processing and digital solutions focusing on industrial applications such as human-machine interaction, software robotics and measurement and control systems. He also has extensive knowledge, expertise and passion in LabVIEW programming. He understands how to explain complex topics in a professional and understandable way

Bastian Prell, M. Sc.

Mr. Prell currently works on his Ph.D. at the IKC IE, a cooperation of the TH Wildau and the BTU-Cottbus. His field of work includes Business Models, Digitalization for SME, Success Assessment and Validation of Implementations. He has also knowledge about Siemens SimPlan and Augmented Reality with MS HoloLens.

Norman Günther

Mr. Günther is a mechanical engineer specializing in assistance systems and production optimization in manufacturing. He is the head of Mittelstand-Digitalzentrum Spreeland at TH-Wildau and has expertise in human-centered production approaches and socio-cyberphysical production systems. His research focuses on using new technologies to improve production processes and increase efficiency, and he has experience in process modelling and developing user-friendly solutions for manufacturing businesses.

Dr. Ron van de Sand

Dr. van de Sand is the deputy head of the research group IC3 and is active in the field of Machine Learning/AI with special focus on industrial applications, such as Predictive Maintenance, Robotics and Production Optimization. His expertise further includes Python (including frameworks as Scikit-Learn, Pytorch, Keras/Tensorflow, Scipy, Transformers, etc), Javascript/Typescript/React, REST/GraphQL APIs, SQL/NoSQL databases, etc. He also has basic knowledge of several AI fields, such as Natural Language Processing, Graph Theory and Computer Vision.

Prof. Alexander Stolpmann

Prof. Dr. Alexander Stolpmann holds the professorship for image processing in industrial production at the Wildau University of Technology (TH Wildau). His field of research is intelligent image processing systems using soft computing methods such as neural networks and genetic algorithms.

Prof. Jörg Reiff-Stephan

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Reiff-Stephan if the vice-president of the Wildau University of Technology (TH Wildau), the head of the Institute for Cyber-physical Production Systems (iCPPS) and of the research group IC3 and founding member of the An-Institute for Materials, Development and Production (iMEP) at the TH-Wildau . His research work is in the field of information acquisition and processing as well as its use in intelligent processes.

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