International EDIH workshop "Smart cities and smart regions"

In view of the increasing challenges in terms of limited resources, energy efficiency, mobility and infrastructure, concepts in the field of smart cities and smart regions are increasingly taking center stage.


Innovative projects and digital solutions in the municipal sector are an important part of a broader process of digital transformation that is being driven by rapidly developing technologies such as artificial intelligence. Cybersecurity plays a central role in this as a cross-cutting issue. To support companies and municipalities on this path, a comprehensive network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) has been established in the European Union, of which EDIH Saxony is a member. The simul⁺InnovationHub of the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development is responsible for networking between business, administration and science within EDIH Saxony. It is also about bringing together end users and providers of technological solutions on the way to a smart city or smart region.

Target group:
- Small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups, municipalities, research institutions

Focus areas:
- Energy efficiency - minimizing energy consumption through the use of advanced technologies and solutions for managing energy consumption in public administration.
- Strategies for small and medium-sized cities with regard to innovative mobility and infrastructure solutions.
- Solutions for cyber security in cities and municipalities

- Presentation and discussion of current trends in relation to smart city solutions
- Presentation of concrete digital solutions for public administration by regional SMEs and start-ups
- Presentation of already implemented solutions as well as planned investments and problems encountered by representatives of cities and municipalities
- Presentation of the offer of the European Digital Innovation Hubs
- Exchange on the possibilities of cooperation between companies and municipalities in relation to smart city solutions

from 14:30 Registration of participants
14:30 Exhibition with welcome coffee
15:30 Greetings from Thomas Schmidt, Minister of State for Regional Development, introduction
15:45 Impulse on the topic of smart cities and smart regions, Dr. Michael Anz, Smart City Dresden
16:00 - 17:45 Presentations by municipalities, companies and start-ups:

Thematic block mobility and infrastructure
1. structural health monitoring / Michal Resl, Statotest
2 ERZmobil / Martin Benedict, Smart City Zwönitz
3. next generation charging stations. The solution many drivers have been waiting for / Dobski and Oskar Fikus, E-way
4 Mariusz Jankowski, City of Katowice
5 Smart City Bilina - smart city of the future / Miloslav Dvořák, City of Bílina

Thematic block on energy efficiency
1. automatic recording of consumption data / Thomas Freitag, City of Pirna
2. isolated solutions to ensure energy security - district solutions. Digitalization creates efficiency - the fully controlled process creates security and predictability / Marko Lepka, Gas Grün GmbH
Cybersecurity topic block
1. cyber security for smart cities - people, devices, data / Marek Ostafil, Cyberus Labs
2. forward-looking strategies for cyber resilience: focus on employee skills, product development and research / Tobias Göcke, SupraTix GmbH
3. municipalities in focus: threat prevention through full-service awareness / Benjamin Balionis, Increase Your Skills GmbH
4. we'll protect you from cyber threats and outages / Stanislav Sorici, Blindspot

around 16:45 10-minute break
17:45 Presentation of the concept of EDIHs
18:00 Thematic tables (energy, mobility & infrastructure, cyber security)
19:00 Dinner and networking

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