UIIN Conference Madrid
Our colleague Marko Bahle will give a lecture at the upcoming UIIN Conference in Madrid. His talk will cover the paper titled “Navigating Startup Success - The Inno Radar's Role in Streamlining Academic Incubation.”
The UIIN 2024 conference will explore together how talent and innovation are transforming the future.
Important progress has been made at TH Wildau with the development of the "Inno Radar", a digital platform that can be used for the management, evaluation and communication of startup projects in the academic environment.
The presentation will show how "TH Wildau Startup Radar" is an interactive real-time platform for the presentation of Startup Prprojects that improve decision making, innovation, and partnership opportunities in the academic startup ecosystem.
Participants are invited tou discover how this tool can impact academic entrepreneurship and facilitate broader engagement with industry partners and innovators.
We live in a time where the landscape of working and learning is constantly changing, so adaptability, creativity and the seamless integration of technology is essential.dynamic interplay between higher education and industry, and universities are now at the forefront of shaping this change. However, in their quest to become more entrepreneurial and innovative, universities are faced with numerous challenges on the way to commitment, innovation and impact.