Long night of business (Lange Nacht der Wirtschaft LDS)

As part of the LANGE NACHT DER WIRTSCHAFT (Long Night of Business), Wildau University of Applied Sciences opens its laboratories and cordially invites you to take part and actively participate.

When? 30.06.2023 (5 pm - 11 pm)


With the roadshow MOBILE DIGITAL FACTORY, you will get to know diverse application examples in the field of digitalisation and artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry. 
Immerse yourself in the exciting world of innovative technologies and discover the opportunities they offer for your company.
Prior registration is not required - just come along and be part of it!

More about the event: https://t1p.de/e3piw
More about LONG NIGHT OF BUSINESS: https://t1p.de/f0g05

When: 30.06.2023 (5-11pm)


Start and End Point of the Tour

Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt III 

Schmiedestraße 2 15745 Wildau


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