EDIH Twister Vol.3

Czech – German information, contact and networking event with presentation of the European Digital Innovation Hubs to support the digital transformation of companies


Digital transformation offers small and medium-sized enterprises a number of opportunities to increase competitiveness and market position, thus streamlining internal processes and relationships with employees, the environment and society as a whole. But it also comes at a price – both in terms of money and effort,that it requires throughout the company or organization.

Are small and medium-sized enterprises in the German-Czech border area willing to invest into these efforts and resources? 
Are the new technologies understandable, usable and accessible to SMEs, or are they still afraid of them? 
In their business models, work with the possibilities of the digtransformation or do they rely more on proven approaches? 
And how can the newly established European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) across Europe support them in the digital transformation process?

Three Czech EDIHs (EDIH Cybersecurity Innovation Hub, EDIH CTU and EDIH NEB)
Regional Digital Innovation Center of the Ústí Region (DIH ICUK) and its German Coll(EDIH Saxony, EDIH pro_digital and EDIH Bauhaus Mobility Hub) come to Ústí nad Labem for a joint meeting and discussion on these topics in order to be able to tell and show our SME customers what we can do in terms of technology and support for business development and how we can help each other in a cross-border context.

The main topics of the event will be cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, advanced digitization in small and medium-sized enterprises and in the public sector as well as in industry and business. The workshop in the afternoon will also focus on the exchange of experience and know-how between European companies and their partners from third countries – this is the main topic of the Enrich in Africa network, which now also includes the Innovation Centre of the Ústí region.



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