
Sensor data glove

Digitizing manual assembly and prozesses

How can you transfer know-how effectively and efficiently in a high-paced schedule of SMEs while maintaining all operating processes? 

With the sensor data glove and its implemented help of an intelligent assistance systems (machine learning), employees at a manual assembly plant are provided with information and support in the learning process. This innovative approach is based on gesture recognition and enables targeted information supply while carrying out work in real time. IMU Inertial Measurement Unit acceleration sensors automatically recongnize and digitize individual steps and contribute therefor to faster and safer work. 

Technology: AI, digital twin technology, AR/VR technology, assistance system, robotics

Precise hand movements are very important to many application areas such as gaming, virtual and augmented reality, robotics, automation and medical technology. Digitizing manual assembly, induction processes for new employees can be established faster and more effectively in a business. Using intelligent data gloves, tasks of long-term employees can be recorded, saved and made available as learning material.
The data glove has 7 IMUs per hand, each sensor providing 7 different measured values. A total of 48 parameters per glove are measured. 30 frames per second, 86,400 measured values per minute.

Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Cottbus. At the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg; Siemens-Halske-Ring 14; 03046 Cottbus


Augmented Reality Learning Glasses: HoloLens (LTA4Glasses)

Digital process learning for employee qualification

In new and complex assembly processes some tasks require repeated accuracy and consistency in terms of quality, regardless the process duration or employee assigned to this.


This demonstrator, the HOLOLens, offers individual, location and time-independent learning of assembly and repair processes, with easy repetition of the training unit. This "digital process training" leads to time savings in qualifications:


Learning and training takes place reliably and repeatedly at any time with these learning glasses. 

An additional hands-free assistance system offers lessons through AR, texts, images or other elements superimposed on reality. Assigned tasks can be trained, performed and maintained on a high quality level. 

Onboarding processes of new hires, change in the workforce or change of a workprocess become more easily. 

This acquires extra devices such as a Smartphones or AR glasses that display the real environment, which also enable to display computer graphics at the same time.


Technology: AI, digtial twin technology, augmented/virtual reality, assistance system 


  1. Learning processes through visual demonstration of assembly tasks

  2. In the training, assembly processes are repeated virtually with the trainees hands 

  3. During the assistance program, processes are repeated with relevant real components. 

The real assembly movement is transmitted in real time to the digital screen in the AR glasses. The correct assembly is displayed on the screen of the AR glasses. 


Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Cottbus. At the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg; Siemens-Halske-Ring 14; 03046 Cottbus


Application LTA2Go

Qulification and Trainings Application for education

Making vocational training more attractive through digital leraning? How to reach young skilled workers with a company, that still has partly analogue methods? How to transfer traditional knowledge into new, innovative learning formats?

LTA2Go app attracts through interactive learning formats and media and enables companies to reach out to future trainees. 

Knowledge and learning content is communicated interactively, playfully and with mobile access and easy language. The apps underlying qualification concept of „learning, training, assistance“ offers individual learning paths, simple repeated tasks and assignments, promoting fast learning. The system combines augmented reality learning with real scenarious and takes individual assistent needs into account.

Developed in partnership with "QualifizierungsCENTRUM der Wirtschaft GmbH Eisenhüttenstadt". 

Technology: Digital Twin, AR/VR, assistance system, learning system

Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Cottbus. At the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, 
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg; Siemens-Halske-Ring 14; 03046 Cottbus

Dipl.-Ing. J. Philipp Städter

Philipp’s expertise includes technical implementation of industrial control systems, industrial robotics (UR, KUKA), communication infrastructure and CNC programming. His latest projects focused on 5G and intelligent vision systems integration.


Applying robotics in SMEs (SMErobotics)

Assembly cell for flexible production in small batch sizes and future adaptation

We understand, that SMEs face challenges of balancing a high number of variant counts and small batch sizes. This makes automation economically more difficult. Many activities remain manual, despite technical feasibility. The good news is that SEMrobotics can offer solutions by performing assemgly tasks that are difficult to implement with conventional technology. With our assistance, SMEs can optimize production processes and increase efficiency with our help.

The assembly cell of SMErobotics research project enables flexible production of hydraulic valve segments in small batch sizes and allows flexible adaptation to future products. KUKA LBR iiwa robot with three different, interchangeable end effectors (two-finger gripper, electric screwdriver, pneumatically operated magnetic gripper) is used for this. The start of the production process and the programming of new variants take place via a graphical user interface directly on the robot cell.

Integrated Force-torque sensors in robot enable technically challenging assembly of hydraulic valves. In additon, inline quality controll of all assembled units is carried out by a robot.  
This application detects component defects and reduces rework costs 
Frequent changes between different and new product variants are possible, thanks to the smart programming and operating system integrated in the cell. The system is easy to learn by operators with little knowledge in robotics and programming.

Businesses are welcome to visit the demonstrator at our model factory at BTU Cottbus

AI, digital twin technology, image processing technology

Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Cottbus. At the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg; Siemens-Halske-Ring 14; 03046 Cottbus


Robot Application

The robot as an assistant and partner

Robot Application

In factory automation (manufacturing processes such as assembly, packaging and palletising), collaborative robotics is expected to open up new possibilities. Ideally, the advantages of humans (flexibility, judgement, creativity, experience, intuition and overview) and robots (endurance, precision and strength) are combined in such collaborative robotics applications. Collaborative robotics often uses a specially designed cobot (lightweight robot). 
In the modern manufacturing environment, it is necessary to free workers from monotonous, dangerous and physically demanding tasks. This frees up the capacity of the workforce for more challenging and value-adding activities. The accuracy, repeatability and quality of purely manual tasks can be improved through human-machine collaboration.

In areas such as robotics and human-robot collaboration, the NAO robot is particularly suitable for low-threshold entry and qualification of humans. The choreography and design of NAO help to reduce initial scepticism, enabling successful collaboration in a wide range of areas, including education and basic programming. He is a programmable humanoid with 25 degrees of freedom movement, understanding 19 languages. 
Companies are welcome to visit the model factory in Wildau and Cottbus and experience hands-on robotics applications. They can also invite the mobile robot NAO to their events or facilities.

Technology: Robotics, human-robot collaboration and application

Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Wildau. At the University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau; Hochschulring 1; 15745 Wildau

Hub Cottbus. At the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg; Siemens-Halske-Ring 14; 03046 Cottbus


Energy monitoring

Early detection of leakages and wear and tear

In order to avoid significant energy costs in the company due to non-obvious or gradual signs of wear, systems can be equipped with sensors. These monitor the energy demand, made available digitally in the network. A mobile demonstrator records the characteristic values of the volume flow, the electric current and the compressed air while providing visualization and network-wide availability.

With the help of the energy monitoring system, media requirements such as air and electricity can be recorded, whereby the flow and pressure of pneumatic systems, as well as frequency, voltage and current are monitored and displayed in the digital environment. The monitoring system can detect deviations based on the energy system and can be used for maintenance measures, key figure recording as well as for cost and consumption recording.

Digital twin technology, data visualization, real-time monitoring, Internet of Things, energy monitoring. 
Industry standard control system with operator console (HMI) for visualization. In addition, a current transformer with energy meter, mass air flow meter and air pressure meter are added to record energy consumption.  Modbus TCP server and microcomputer (Raspberry Pi) 

Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Wildau. At the University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau; Hochschulring 1; 15745 Wildau


A Practice Lab for Logistics (Learning Factory)

The "state of the art" in logistics at your fingertips

The practice lab depicts a typical logistics environment and integrates many new technologie. All applications are modular, easy to implement and tailored to Industry 4.0. The laboratory is used for workshops, integrating demonstrators and as a show room. 

The practice laboratory allows extensive testing of various networked logistic solutions in a simulated environment. This eliminates the need to interrupt ongoing operations. Furthermore, it enables analyses and simulation of company use cases. 

Digital twin technologies, automated guided vehicles, augmented reality / Virtual Reality, Real-Time Location System. Logistics 4.0, conveyer belt system, order picking system, material flow, connected system

How does it work? 
The automatic small parts warehouse comes with a directly connected order picking system and intelligent modular conveyor system, a spiral conveyor and belt conveyor

Located at TH Wildau, companies are welcomed to visit the practice laboratory and experience its practical implementation in the context of Logistics 4.0. It showcases material flow in a test setting, therefore it offers real support in organization of logistical processes in day-to-day business. 

  • Picking
  • Flow of goods and information
  • Innovative logistics solutions
  • Connection of systems and plants
  • Qualitätskontrolle
  • Real-Time Location System

Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Wildau. At the University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau; Hochschulring 1; 15745 Wildau


Digital Assistant with AR

Introduction to digital assistant with augmented reality

Beginner | 2 hours | 1 module | Financed by EU | Theory + practice


What you will learn


Automated Guided Vehicles

What is an AGV, what it can do and how it can be used

Beginner | 1 hour | 3 modules | Financed by EU | Theory + practice


What you will learn

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