Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen

The WFS promotes Saxony as a business location and advises potential investors comprehensively from the initial idea all the way to the implementation of their relocation projects.
In addition, the WFS assists Saxony’s companies in achieving their export goals and initiates cooperations with companies located outside of Saxony. The objective is to open up new international markets for Saxony’s business community and to create new jobs in Saxony.

EIT Digital

EIT Digital embody the future of innovation by mobilizing a pan-European multi-stakeholder open-innovation ecosystem of top European corporations, SMEs, startups, universities and research institutes, where students, researchers, engineers, business developers and investors address the technology, talent, skills, business and capital needs of digital entrepreneurship.

Digital Impact North

Digital Impact North (DIN) is a Digital Innovation Hub in north Sweden, focused on Smart Sustainable Societies, characterized by the diversity and challenges specific to societies in sparsely populated areas. DIN builds on the region’s long collaboration culture spanning all kinds of sectors and industries, based on strong research in IT, AI and digitalization, competitive industry ecosystems, world-leading industries in manufacturing, green industrial megaprojects and industrial frontiers in disruptive technologies and green conversion.

WRO4digITal EDIH Wrocław

Our mission is to achieve a networking effect and build an ecosystem of digital innovations for the needs of SMEs. Through educational and demonstration activities, we provide access to specialist knowledge and equipment, and our individual consulting and implementation services offer expert support in the search for digital solutions. Our activities also aim to connect with suppliers of appropriate technologies or potential business partners and provide support in searching for financing.

EDIH Saxony

EDIH Saxony supports small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and public administration in the introduction of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data or 5G connectivity. Under the motto "first test, then invest", SMEs and public sector organisations in particular are to be enabled to make their business and production processes, products or services even more competitive.


NET4AI connects cross-sector players from business and science in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region.
Innovative topics and technologies of the future are examined from a cross-sectoral perspective, especially from the perspective of artificial intelligence, and jointly developed by the NET4AI network partners.

com(m) 2020

Actively shaping healthcare provision in Lausitz and strengthening the healthcare industry as a value-creating sector in structural change - that is the common goal of our WIR! Bündnisses com(m) 2020. The beginnings of our alliance go back to close cooperation between the Carl-Thiem Clinic in Cottbus, the largest maximum-care hospital in Brandenburg, and the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, the only technical university in the state. Together we want to harness technological potential to strengthen health care in the region.

EuroRegion Spree-Neiße-Bober

The task of the Spree-Neisse-Bober Euroregion is to help overcome the problems of the border region, to develop a regional identity, to bring Germans and Poles together in a common economic region with improved and above all equal living conditions. Furthermore, the Euroregion aims to promote the international spirit, tolerance in all areas of culture, the idea of international understanding and thus would like to contribute to successful European integration.

DigIT Hub Sweden EDIH

Through DigIT Hub Sweden, we use digitization as an engine to create sustainable and efficient working methods, strengthened competitiveness and better adapted services. We help organizations keep up with the digital transition and meet the expectations of customers, employees and citizens who are becoming increasingly digital.

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