
ViNN:Lab Workshops April

Selected workshops from ViNN:Lab from the month of April


"The ViNN:Lab as makerspace is a prototyping- and creative lab of the TH Wildau. We love to help people create (almost) anything. As a part of the FAB LAB Community and Open Workplace Network we strive to provide you with the right technology and training to skyrocket your idea. The ViNN:Lab is a project of the Research Group for Innovation and Regional Development of TH Wildau. It deals with the main research areas of Strategic Foresight, Innovation and Regional Development and Innovation Processes."

When: Wednesdays in April

Where: ViNN:Lab | Hochschulring 1 | House 16A, Room 2095 | 15745 Wildau

Info and registration: https://vinnlab.th-wildau.de/events/

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