
Process Optimization

Importance of optimizing processes before digitizing, automating, or implementing AI

Beginner | 1 hour | 3 modules | Financed by EU | Theory + practice

Optimize BEFORE digitize, automation and AI

Time and again, digitization was used to cover for bead processes. With the idea being: "just do it digitally and all will be fine". This has been intensified with the advent of so-called artificial intelligence. With the "magic sauce" of AI users have the misconception that AI will surely smooth out all the bumps. Quite the contrary is the case, especially with machine learning. Data cleaning and well-defined processes make AI possible in the first place. Our workshop makes the proven method of 5S, commonplace in many manufacturing settings, accessible to the realm of digitalization, automation and AI. With a hand on serious games approach using a LEGO® set. In record time, you will lay the groundwork for every digitalization, automation and AI project. 


This workshop will address the misconception that digitization and AI will magically solve all problems. Instead, the workshop will focus on the importance of optimizing processes before digitizing, automating, or implementing AI. 
Demonstration of benefit 
The workshop will demonstrate how data cleaning and well-defined processes make AI possible in the first place. The workshop will also show how applying the 5S method can improve digitalization, automation, and AI projects. 
Hands-on activity 
The workshop will use a serious game approach with a LEGO® set to make the proven method of 5S accessible to the realm of digitalization, automation, and AI. Participants will learn how to optimize processes by applying the 5S method and identify areas for improvement.

What you will learn

Why Optimize BEFORE digitizing, automating and AI?
How to use 5S?
What exactly are the five S?
Simon Wilbers
Technische Hochschule Wildau / iC3
+49 (0) 3375 508428


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Open Lab Day ViNN:Lab

Open Lab Day - Open for All.

From now on, the ViNN:Lab is open again as part of the weekly Open Lab Day.