EU-FÖRDERUNG Kompakt | Digitales Europa (DIGITAL): Förderung des digitalen Wandels

"In our online seminar series "EU-FÖRDERUNG Kompakt" we present you every Thursday from 1 to 2 p.m. one aspect of the Horizon Europe program (before the summer break) or another European funding opportunity for your company (after the summer break)."


"The Digital Europe (DIGITAL) program is a new EU funding program that focuses on providing digital technologies to businesses, citizens and public administrations, helping to shape and promote the digital transformation of Europe's economies and societies. We will explain the funding spectrum of the program and also introduce you to the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Brandenburg "pro_digital" (requested), which is committed to supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their digital transformation and is funded by the program.

Please register separately for each seminar you wish to attend."



When: 14. September 2023 1-2 pm

Whereo: Online, Anmeldung 

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