AI country trip Brandenburg 2024


The aim is to raise public awareness of the importance of artificial intelligence for the modernization of industry and administration and to build trust in AI. The format of the rural area is chosen, on the one hand, to deliberately emphasise the rural facets of the rural area of Brandenburg. On the other hand, Brandenburg shows its innovative potential within this diverse regions as well as companies and research institutions that use and advance AI in a wide variety of application areas and fields of technology. The event is intended to provide powerful impulses for the exchange between AI actors as well as (potential) users and the general public.

We will carry out the event as a hybrid event in order to enable as many interested parties as possible to participate. Please register using the event links below, the places for the attendance dates are limited.


13.05. at DESY in Zeuthen | AI and Quantum Technology

14.05. With us from the EDIH pro_digital at OSZ Oder-Spree in Fürstenwalde | AI in vocational training

15.05. at Coconat in Klein Glien | AI and New Work

16.05. at PCK refinery in Schwedt/O. | AI and Predictive Maintenance

17.05. at Oranienwerk in Oranienburg for a Best of KI Landpartie

This event is organized by:

NET4AI togetherwith the ICT, Media and Creative Industries Cluster and Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg GmbH (TMB)

Success Story - Gas Grün GmbH


It encountered a triple digital challenge that prompted our rationale to offer our EDIH’s services to achieve its business goals:

Requirement of an advanced AI control system to optimize the efficiency of its biogas plants with customized automation and monitoring solutions

Need for 3D printing expertise to visually communicate its technological advances as well as for efficient prototyping for internal development.

Additionally, the need to increase its market visibility. A strategic marketing approach was essential to highlight their environmental impact and technological capabilities.

Using our extensive network, we matched Gas Grün GmbH with an experienced partner specializing in AI systems, equipped with a deep understanding of Gas Grüns unique requirements, opzimizing the efficiency of the biogas plant, but also laying the groundwork for automation and monitoring capabilities.

We identified and worked with an expert in 3D printing technology at our consortium partner BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, playing a key role in translating complex design specifications into real-life prototypes. These are not only useful for internal development, but also for high-impact displays for industry events.

Lastly, we connected them with marketing partners, who hold expertise in the sustainable energy sector, ensuring a customized approach to showcasing Gas Grüns environmental impact and technological capabilities. Since then, they have increased their visibility and reaching more potential costumers in line with its commitment to green innovation.

Gas grün GmbHs significant increase in efficiency and optimization of operational processes with the implementation of the AI control system, as well as the 3D printed prototype and marketing efforts all result in a better green, sustainable system and increased visibility of the product.

Solving the challenges for Gas Grün not only contributed to their specific operational improvements but also had broader social and economic implications in how digital transformation can positively impact the business goals of startups and SMEs.

We are further supporting Gas Grün GmbHs efforts with dissemination work through an ongoing digital maturity assessment (DMA), speaker panels, presentations and through our various media channels.

The success of this collaboration highlighted the importance of selecting partners with specialized expertise, the need for a balanced approach to integrating digital and traditional marketing approaches, the importance of transparent communication, and the value of maintaining flexibility in the face of evolving technological landscapes. These lessons can guide other organizations as they navigate similar collaborations, maximizing the benefits of strategic partnerships while continually adapting to industry changes and advances.

EDIH pro_digital is committed to the use of digital technologies to improve environmental sustainability and the inclusion of circularity in value chains and to facilitate the twin digital and green transformation. 

Funding opportunities - BIG-Digital


Funding applications are complex, but are of great benefit to companies. Therefore, our concern is to minimize this bureaucratic effort. Together with the WFBB, we have prepared a workshop series for this year that gives SMEs in the region a good look at the current funding pots for your digitisation project. You will learn which measures in whichand at the same time receive compact information about eligibility and what further steps are necessary.

Therefore, register for the webinar series today and get informed in just 30 minutes. Simply contact us and we will be happy to support you and your request.

Information about the program:

Why invest in digital, innovative technologies?


Digitisation offers numerous advantages to small and medium-sized companies, authorities and start-ups, which are noticeable in extremely different areas. Here are some reasons:

Automation plays an important role. By using automation technologies, processes become more efficient, take less time and therefor save costs. Automation can help with shortage of skilled workers.
Another important aspect is cyber security systems in your computer and machine systems. Investing in modern security technologies protects organizations from attacks on data and systems, minimizing the risk of data loss, operational failures and costs.
Another important aspect is data management. By using modern data management systems, companies can manage their data more efficiently, by analyzing it get better insights and results. This leads to better decision making and can help streamline business processes.

Which leads to the next exciting topic: the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for teaching and predictive maintenance. By using AI systems, companies can train their employees more specifically and without intervention in work processes, by using augmented reality training they improve their skills. AI can also make a valuable contribution in the field of predictive maintenance with machines and systems and thus plan maintenance and servicing work in good time.

In summary, investments in digitization offer enormous advantages and are not always associated with high costs. In this way, you contribute to increasing safety, making employees happier, optimising processes: costs are saved and competitiveness is increased. That is why we recommend every company to deal with the topic of digitization, to use our free offers and then to invest specifically in this area.

Cybersecurity - Intelligent Safety for the Digital Age


Three European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs), namely pro_digital EDIH, Robocoast EDIH, and EDIH LT, are collaboratively hosting a webinar focused on ‘Intelligent Security for the Digital Age’ along with several cybersecurity-related workshops. The workshops are organized independently by the respective EDIHs. The first workshop, conducted in German, is hosted by pro_digital EDIH. The second workshop, conducted in English, is hosted by Robocoast EDIH. This collaborative effort aims to provide comprehensive insights into the realm of cybersecurity

On 5th June, our webinar from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and subsequent country-specific workshops from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. will provide you with in-depth insights and practical solutions. 
The interactive format allows you to exchange ideas with our speakers and Partners of the Baltic Region. In compact presentations, workshops and a panel discussion, participants will learn how to strengthen their company's IT security at all levels - from emergency prevention to threats and solutions through AI systems. 
The European Digital Innovation Hubs are committed to the digitalization of SMEs and public institutions in Europe. Through workshops, demonstrators and targeted funding, we support the implementation of innovative, digital technologies.

Added value for participants:

  • Recognizing potential risks and vulnerabilities
  • Familiarization with best practices for prevention
  • Development of a holistic security concept
  • Networking with experts for potential follow-up projects


10:00 AM – 10:05 AM - Opening Remarks and Introduction -Ramila Amirikas (TH Wildau)
10:05 AM - 10:25 AM - Cybersecurity and Workplace Innovation - Halvor Holtskog (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
10:25 AM – 10:45 AM - Enhancing Cybersecurity in SMEs: Leveraging the EU's Cybersecurity Act for Resilient Digital Europe - Risto Rajala (Industry of the Future)
10:45 AM - 11:10 AM - The Baltic region and recommendations for companies - Marius Pareščius (CodeAcademy)
11:10 AM – 11:30 AM - The Dual Challenge: Achieving Energy Efficiency without Compromising Cybersecurity - Bahaa Elthawy (University of Vaasa)
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM - Panel Discussion: "Collaborative Approaches to Strengthening Cybersecurity Across EDIHs"
Pirita Ihamäki (moderator) - Bahaa Elthawy, Benjamin Fabian, Dr. Mantas Vilys, EDIH 
12:00 PM - End of first session

German session: 
1 PM - 1:05 PM - Welcome - Benjamin Fabian (TH Wildau)
1:05 PM - 1:25 PM - Cybersecurity - Introduction and Trends - Benjamin Fabian (TH Wildau)
1:25 PM - 1:35 PM - Attack Vector Large Language Models - Simon Wilbers (TH Wildau)
1:35 PM - 1:55 PM - Safety in Software Products - Tim Gellersen (University of Lübeck)
1:55 PM - 2:15 PM - Cybersecurity in the Industrial Internet of Things - Wael Alsabbagh (MDZ Spreeland/BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg)
2:15 PM - 2:35 PM - Incident Response of Brandenburgs Police
- Hendrik Wolf (Brandenburg Police)
2:35 PM - 3 PM - Q&A session

Inno Radar - Discover the innovations of the future


In a world where the startup landscape is steadily becoming more complex and dynamic, traditional management tools are often no longer sufficient. Universities are faced with the challenge of not only supporting start-ups, but also effectively tracking their developments and clearly communicating their potential. This tool also supports universities in fulfilling their role as a catalystfor innovation and entrepreneurship and can thus make a significant contribution to improving the startup culture at academic institutions.

The platform also offers entrepreneurs, especially start-ups, as well as InnovationScouts, access to innovative topics and projects. Projects can, with regard to their progress,ritts and potentials.

Click here for the homepage: Inno Radar

Martin Lautsch

Martin Lautsch completed his Bachelor of Science in Transportation at the Technical University of Berlin and obtained his Master of Engineering at the Technical University of Wildau in 2022. Since July 2022, he has been working as a research assistant at the Chair of Automation Technology at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, where he is actively involved in the projects "pro_digital", "KI@MINT" and "iCampµs" . His topics are teaching and research on Industrial AI and Predictive Maintenance.

Martin Lautsch

Engineer, expert in artificial intelligence in industry and predictive maintenance, employee for pro_digital, KI@mint and iCampµs.

ViNN:Lab Workshops April


"The ViNN:Lab as makerspace is a prototyping- and creative lab of the TH Wildau. We love to help people create (almost) anything. As a part of the FAB LAB Community and Open Workplace Network we strive to provide you with the right technology and training to skyrocket your idea. The ViNN:Lab is a project of the Research Group for Innovation and Regional Development of TH Wildau. It deals with the main research areas of Strategic Foresight, Innovation and Regional Development and Innovation Processes."

Cybersecurity - The Digital Safe


In this webinar, we not only want to give you a basic overview of Internet security, opportunities and dangers, but also present concrete application examples and emergency plans.

With our partners from EDIH SH, MDZ Spreeland, EDIH DIBI, Daisec we will present you 90 interesting minutes!


09:50 - Enter | Technical start
10:00 - Welcome by Mr. Heintze/Presentation EDIHs
10:05 - Introduction Cybersecurity Mr. Prof. Langendörfer (EDIH pro_digital)
10:20 - Mr. Dr. Couronne – Emergency Prevention (EDIH DIBI | Bayern Innovativ)
10:35 - Mr. Gellersen – Physical Security (EDIH SH)
10:50 – Niklas Busch - AI: New Opportunities and New Dangers (Daisec) 

11:05 - It Safety in Industrial Facilities (MDZ Spreeland)
11:20 - Questions and wrap-up
11:30 - End

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