The EDIH.SH supports small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and public administration organisations with free offers in the sustainable digital transformation. We support you in making sustainable use of the possibilities of digitisation and in determining the right starting points for your digitisation project - from the generation of ideas via thetechnological feasibility up to financing advice.


The focus of the DIBI is the digitization of the manufacturing sector as one of the most important economic sectors in Bavaria - despite progressive structural change.


The European Digital Innovation Hub for AI and Cybersecurity (DAISEC) supports companies and the public sector in Lower Saxony in the application and development of AI technologies and Cybersecurity measures. The Hub serves as the central point of contact for the target groups, coordinates and bundles partner services, and manages the networking activities.


Welcome to EDITH – your “European Digital Innovation Hub” in Hesse! Our mission is to bridge the digital gap in Hesse and to enable the region to be one of the smartest and most sustainable ones in Europe. We provide free support to you as small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs), start-up or public administration organisation in planning and implementing your digitalisation projects.

ViNN:Lab Workshops June


06/26/2024 | 16:30

Welcome to Part 2 of the Arduino Workshop! In this workshop, we will deal with exciting applications, including inputting using a potentiometer, measuring light intensity and temperature, using an inclination sensor and controlling a servo motor. Mandatory for participation are basic knowledgein the Arduino IDE. Together, we will deepen Arduino knowledge and gain practical experience in the application of Arduino. We look forward to diving into the world of Arduino together and realizing new exciting projects.

19.06.2024 | 16:30

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of 3D printing filaments and learn the different materials and their specific properties. In our workshop you will get an overview of the most important filaments. We explain the advantages and disadvantages of each material, give valuable tips for its use, and show you how to adjust the print settings for optimal results.

The alphabet soup made of ABS, PLA, PETG, hips, PVA, TPY and many more will be no secret to you after this workshop!

The video of the workshop can be found after publication on our YouTube channel!

Andreas Deuble


AI Day Brandenburg


On June 27, the Central Contact Point for Artificial Intelligence (ZAKI) with representatives from the State of Brandenburg, the Brandenburg Economic Development Agency (WFBB), the Net4AI, invites you and exciting institutions at an innovative place about the application and future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research to discuss impulses for the Brandenburg economy.

We want to get into an active exchange, because opportunities and challenges through AI affect us all. It will also be about you and your needs.

Take advantage of this opportunity to inform yourself in exciting lectures and discussions on the subject of AI, to make new contacts and to find helpful contact points for your needs. On site, you will have the opportunity to experience existing AI technologies and developments in Brandenburg, to give your own impetus and even to experience AI "Made in Brandenburg" in shop windows.

We look forward to welcoming you at the Brandenburg AI Day and 5G Day BB in the Kleistforum in Frankfurt/Oder!

UIIN Conference Madrid


The UIIN 2024 conference will explore together how talent and innovation are transforming the future.

Important progress has been made at TH Wildau with the development of the "Inno Radar", a digital platform that can be used for the management, evaluation and communication of startup projects in the academic environment.

The presentation will show how "TH Wildau Startup Radar" is an interactive real-time platform for the presentation of Startup Prprojects that improve decision making, innovation, and partnership opportunities in the academic startup ecosystem.

Participants are invited tou discover how this tool can impact academic entrepreneurship and facilitate broader engagement with industry partners and innovators. 

We live in a time where the landscape of working and learning is constantly changing, so adaptability, creativity and the seamless integration of technology is essential.dynamic interplay between higher education and industry, and universities are now at the forefront of shaping this change. However, in their quest to become more entrepreneurial and innovative, universities are faced with numerous challenges on the way to commitment, innovation and impact.

UIIN Conference Madrid


The presentation will show how “TH Wildau Startup Radar” provides an interactive real-time platform for the presentation of startup projects that improves decision-making, innovation and partnership opportunities in the academic startup ecosystem.

Participants are invited to discover how this tool impacts academic entrepreneurship and amore engagement with industry partners and innovators.

The UIIN 2024 conference will explore together how talent and innovation are transforming the future.

We live in a time where the landscape of working and learning is constantly changing, so adaptability, creativity and the seamless integration of technology are essentiali am, so the dynamic interplay between higher education and industry is a driving force, and universities are now at the forefront of shaping this change. However, in their quest to become more entrepreneurial and innovative, universities are faced with numerous challenges on the way to commitment, innovation and impact.



They offer a special, free Pre-Check Industry 4.0 with you for the preparation and introduction of Industry 4.0.

  • Starting with a structured interview, the first SWOT details for your implementation are made and action points and possible steps are discussed with you. How to get a quick summary of check results in just 45 minutesis provided.
  • Receive a demonstrator show and hands-on workshop in Klaipeda with a roadshow (Mobile Digital Factory Lab of TH Wildau) in September 2024
  • On-demand training in real production line laboratories at TH Wildau (20 minutes from Berlin Airport)
  • Online seminars in October 2024

Active researchers await you in the areas of usability of CPS control in production processes as part of a holistic automation approach as well as acceptance and training strategies in CPPS. Long-standing experts in the field of transfer projects as well as the development of technology-based strategies for public institutions such as innovation strategies for regions or SmartCity strategies for municipalities. We offer you our expertise in automation, electrical machines and drives, control design and modeling, as well as computer vision, control systems, inspection systems and digital twins.

The offers are supported by the Baltic-German University Office, with experts from TH Wildau, Klaipeda University, Mittelstand Digital Zentrum Spreeland and EDIH pro_digital.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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