AI Week Wildau


Workshops on how AI overcomes skills shortages and automates tasks
Cost-effective solutions to strengthen competitiveness
Don't be afraid! AI is not a mystery, but a tool by people for people.

Information and program:

Test application 10/2023

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The Mittelstand 4.0 Competence Center Cottbus belongs to Mittelstand-Digital and is one of 26 centers with over 150 locations in Germany. With the Mittelstand-Digital funding programme, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) supports digitisation in small and medium-sized enterprises and the craft sector.

Funding opportunities - Digitization: How it works!


Enterprise Europe Network Berlin-Brandenburg, pro_digital, Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg, Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie and MDZ Spreeland will provide you with a compact overview of regional, national and European funding programs during the event.

By means of one-pager pitches, we will give you an overview of the following relevant funding instruments related to digitization topics.

Part 1: Promoting digitization in the company:

Go-digital | National
digital jetzt | National
Go-digital | National

Part 2: Promotion of innovation projects in the field of digitization:

Transfer Bonus – Digitalisierung | Berlin
BIG-Transfer | Brandenburg
Innovationsfachkraft -Transfer | Berlin
Brandenburger Innovationsfachkräfte
Horizont Europa | EU
Digitales Europa | EU

We also present the extensive range of support services available in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region.

EU-FÖRDERUNG Kompakt | Digitales Europa (DIGITAL): Förderung des digitalen Wandels


"The Digital Europe (DIGITAL) program is a new EU funding program that focuses on providing digital technologies to businesses, citizens and public administrations, helping to shape and promote the digital transformation of Europe's economies and societies. We will explain the funding spectrum of the program and also introduce you to the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Brandenburg "pro_digital" (requested), which is committed to supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their digital transformation and is funded by the program.

Please register separately for each seminar you wish to attend."



KI Country Outing Brandenburg


"The Brandenburg AI Ecosystem is organizing the first Brandenburg AI Landpartie in the fall of 2023 to present the potential and special features of the state, its AI actors and the ecosystem to a broad public. The goal is to raise public awareness of the importance of AI for the modernization of industry and administration and to build trust in AI. The format of the Landpartie is chosen, on the one hand, to deliberately accentuate the rural facets of the Flächenland Brandenburg. On the other hand, Brandenburg shows with the KI Landpartie its innovative potential with its diverse regions as well as companies and research institutions that use and advance AI in the most diverse application areas and technology fields. The event is intended to set powerful impulses for the exchange between AI stakeholders as well as (potential) users and the general public.

We will conduct the event in a hybrid fashion."

EDIH Twister Vol.3


Digital transformation offers small and medium-sized enterprises a number of opportunities to increase competitiveness and market position, thus streamlining internal processes and relationships with employees, the environment and society as a whole. But it also comes at a price – both in terms of money and effort,that it requires throughout the company or organization.

Are small and medium-sized enterprises in the German-Czech border area willing to invest into these efforts and resources? 
Are the new technologies understandable, usable and accessible to SMEs, or are they still afraid of them? 
In their business models, work with the possibilities of the digtransformation or do they rely more on proven approaches? 
And how can the newly established European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) across Europe support them in the digital transformation process?

Three Czech EDIHs (EDIH Cybersecurity Innovation Hub, EDIH CTU and EDIH NEB)
Regional Digital Innovation Center of the Ústí Region (DIH ICUK) and its German Coll(EDIH Saxony, EDIH pro_digital and EDIH Bauhaus Mobility Hub) come to Ústí nad Labem for a joint meeting and discussion on these topics in order to be able to tell and show our SME customers what we can do in terms of technology and support for business development and how we can help each other in a cross-border context.

The main topics of the event will be cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, advanced digitization in small and medium-sized enterprises and in the public sector as well as in industry and business. The workshop in the afternoon will also focus on the exchange of experience and know-how between European companies and their partners from third countries – this is the main topic of the Enrich in Africa network, which now also includes the Innovation Centre of the Ústí region.


Wildauer Administration Day


"In recent years, Wildau University of Applied Sciences has become an important center for the training of junior staff as well as for research and support for public authorities. We want to make these competencies more usable for administrative practice and deepen the cooperations. The Wildau Administration Day is aimed at the municipalities of Brandenburg. It offers a forum to acquire new knowledge, to deepen the exchange with other municipalities, to expand the contacts to the university and last but not least to give the faculty valuable suggestions.

The Wildau Administration Day is geared towards interaction. In addition to lectures and discussions in the plenum at the beginning and end of the day, the focus is deliberately on several workshops. In these, professors from the university present current and relevant topics and discuss them with practitioners.

At the Wildau Administration Day, municipal employees from different regions, size categories and departments come together to discuss pressing challenges of the present and future with academia and students.

We look forward to your visit."


Artificial intelligence - curse or blessing? Public panel discussion


The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining in importance due to increasing digitization in all areas of life. Many people only became aware of how far research and everyday application of artificial intelligence has progressed through the hype surrounding ChatGPT. 
We want to address the questions of where AI will develop, what potentials but also risks this Technology bears for humans. Where can AI be used sensibly, for example, to relieve employees in nursing? What regulations and what commitment are required in teaching and for pupils and students?

Scientists from the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and the Wildau University of Applied Sciences will show their current research, and discuss with the audience opportunities and challenges by the use of artificial intelligence in nursing, migration, jurisprudence and teaching and training.

We welcome question submissions that are collected and prepared in preparation for the eventden: kontakt@praesenzstelle­
Registrations for 21 September 2023 are possible

Admission is free. Registrations are necessary due to the limited space capacity.

The event is part of the series ,Science meets society` and is organized together with our partner NET4AI - Network for Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Wildau and the European News School of Digital Studies of the European University Viadrina.

DMAT - Digital Maturity Assessment Tool


We offer you a free, comprehensive analysis of your company's current digital maturity.  This will analyze your processes and, based on this information, you can implement and monitor your digitization plans. One of our EDIH experts will guide you through the completion of the questionnaire, which is divided into different modules and takes about 45-60 minutes. After completing the questionnaire, you will receive a detailed overview of your company, also in comparison to other companies in your industry, size and region, which you can use to make important decisions for the future of your company. The measurements are taken at three points in time: before we start working together, the year after, and two years later. Rely on our many years of experience and know-how to successfully shape your digital future. Of course, your data will be treated confidentially in accordance with the privacy policy. Take advantage of the opportunity to advance digitization in your company and in Brandenburg with the European Digital Innovatin Hub (EDIH) "pro_digital"!


Info Day: Future Logistics


- 10 - 12 am: Presentation of the teaching & research facility KILEAN (Artificial Intelligence Learning and Application) & the workshop on AI applications in logistics with demonstrator demonstration (Can you palletize better than AI?).
To register:

- 1 - 2 pm: Workshop on assistance systems in logistics (innovative technologies to increase efficiency & make everyday life more pleasant for users)
To register:

- 2 - 4 pm: Guided tour through the intralogistics laboratory of the Wildau University of Applied Sciences (practical insight into the latest industrial technologies) & presentation of the demonstrator "Mobile Pick Secure".
To registration:

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