3. Adobe AI Workshop


In this issue, we take a look at the fascinating features within Photoshop CC. Be it eyes looking in the wrong direction, an improved smile or even a completely different background – we will explore everything together step by step, from the neural image filters to creative AI generation.

You can find the video for the workshop inof publication on our YouTube channel!

Cybersecurity in production facilities – past, present and future


This webinar will discuss specific attack scenarios and vulnerabilities in production facilities that can leave systems vulnerable to cyberattacks. Professor Langendörfer will also discuss known incidents in which these vulnerabilities were exploited to cause damage. Finally, solutions are presented that contribute toto address these vulnerabilities and improve cybersecurity in production facilities.

AR Workshop: More efficient thanks to AR-based assistance systems


The basics of AR technology will be presented briefly and compactly in the online seminar. In addition to the different types, technological prerequisites and fields of application are shown.
The workshop provides a basic understanding of the possibilities and functioning of AR technology and helps to answer questions in dealing with AR-based assistance systems, possiblee to clarify concerns and find out whether adopting such solutions is an option for their own company.

The following aspects will be discussed during the online workshop: What is augmented reality and how does the technology differ from virtual reality? In which business areas can AR be used and

what are the benefits?
What challenges and problems can be solved with AR?
How extensive is the implementation of your own AR projects and what should absolutely be taken into account?


What is augmented reality
Development history of AR systems Application
examplefor AR assistance systems (selection)
• Product presentation
• Planningwork instructions, remote maintenance)
What is needed?
• Mobile, stationary and wearable hardware
How can you develop your own AR apps?
• What needs to be considered
• What tracking methods are there
• What software can be used to create

The workshop is aimed ath especially to those responsible in the management, production and plant management, as well as service and maintenance, who want to gain initial access to the technology. This explicitly addresses small and medium-sized companies from industry and crafts. It is possible to integrate industry-specific use cases for better comprehensibility.

The workshop can take place either online or in person (e.g. in our model factory in Cottbus) and usually takes about 45 to 60 minutes. Depending on the mode and location, it is then possible to try out mobile or stationary demonstrators when conducting the workshop in person.

pro_digital processes the personal data of participants exclusively within the scope of the aforementioned event. The data will not be passed on to third parties. The legal basis for the initiation and execution of the event is the necessary processing for the execution of the event in accordance with Art. 6 I b General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and your consent in accordance with Art. 6 I a GDPR. Your consent can be revoked at any time at kontakt@edihprodigital.eu.

Digitized Transport



Moderation: Dr. Katerina Lamprakopoulou, Communication Officer of SMART4ALL H2020
14:00 – 14:05 Welcome – Introduction 
14:05 – 14:45 Keynote speech “Strengthening Innovation in Brandenburg: Best Practices for Building and Expanding EDIH's Services for Industry” – Emilia Pożarowska, pro_digital EDIH
14:45 – 15:05 “Metacities Excellence Hub: How digital Twins can monitor and improve city transportation” – Dr. Eng. Christos Antonopoulos, assistant professor at the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of the University of Peloponnese
15:05 – 15:20 “XANDAR project: Safety and Security for embedded software systems on automotive and aviation use cases” – Dr. Eng. Georgios Keramidas, assistant professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
15:20 – 15:30 Q&A
15:30 – 15:45 Break
15:45 – 16:00 “fentISS: Integrated Runtime Monitoring with Hypervisors” – Wanja Zaeske (MSc.), scientific associate at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
16:00 – 16:15 “TUNNLL: A digitized transport operator for those small towns that don’t have local public transport” – Kirill Blazhko, CEO at TUNNLL
16:15 – 16:30 “DELTA: An AI-Based Algorithm For Optimized 3d Drone Flight Path Planning” –  Biljana Stamatovic, CEO and co-founder of MoDrone
16:30 – 16:45 “TempSens: Development of innovative RFID temperature based system in agri-food cold supply chain” – Dr. Nikola Cmiljanic, CTO at TechLab
16:45 – 17:00 Conclusions – Open Discussion 

OPENWRT and SNORT Router - Online Workshop


In our digitalized world, cyber attacks are on the rise and it is becoming increasingly important to protect our networks. This video gives you an introduction to the open source router operating system, OpenWrt.

But that's not all! We will also introduce the world-renowned intrusion detection system, Snort. Snort helps you to detect unwanted intrusion attempts into your network at an early stage and react accordingly.

The best part? In this video, we'll show you step-by-step how to easily install Snort on an OpenWrt router.
Let's dive into the world of OpenWrt and Snort together and arm our network against the danger of cyber attacks!

You can find the video of the workshop after the release on our YouTube-Kanal

International EDIH workshop "Smart cities and smart regions"


Innovative projects and digital solutions in the municipal sector are an important part of a broader process of digital transformation that is being driven by rapidly developing technologies such as artificial intelligence. Cybersecurity plays a central role in this as a cross-cutting issue. To support companies and municipalities on this path, a comprehensive network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) has been established in the European Union, of which EDIH Saxony is a member. The simul⁺InnovationHub of the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development is responsible for networking between business, administration and science within EDIH Saxony. It is also about bringing together end users and providers of technological solutions on the way to a smart city or smart region.

Target group:
- Small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups, municipalities, research institutions

Focus areas:
- Energy efficiency - minimizing energy consumption through the use of advanced technologies and solutions for managing energy consumption in public administration.
- Strategies for small and medium-sized cities with regard to innovative mobility and infrastructure solutions.
- Solutions for cyber security in cities and municipalities

- Presentation and discussion of current trends in relation to smart city solutions
- Presentation of concrete digital solutions for public administration by regional SMEs and start-ups
- Presentation of already implemented solutions as well as planned investments and problems encountered by representatives of cities and municipalities
- Presentation of the offer of the European Digital Innovation Hubs
- Exchange on the possibilities of cooperation between companies and municipalities in relation to smart city solutions

from 14:30 Registration of participants
14:30 Exhibition with welcome coffee
15:30 Greetings from Thomas Schmidt, Minister of State for Regional Development, introduction
15:45 Impulse on the topic of smart cities and smart regions, Dr. Michael Anz, Smart City Dresden
16:00 - 17:45 Presentations by municipalities, companies and start-ups:

Thematic block mobility and infrastructure
1. structural health monitoring / Michal Resl, Statotest
2 ERZmobil / Martin Benedict, Smart City Zwönitz
3. next generation charging stations. The solution many drivers have been waiting for / Dobski and Oskar Fikus, E-way
4 Mariusz Jankowski, City of Katowice
5 Smart City Bilina - smart city of the future / Miloslav Dvořák, City of Bílina

Thematic block on energy efficiency
1. automatic recording of consumption data / Thomas Freitag, City of Pirna
2. isolated solutions to ensure energy security - district solutions. Digitalization creates efficiency - the fully controlled process creates security and predictability / Marko Lepka, Gas Grün GmbH
Cybersecurity topic block
1. cyber security for smart cities - people, devices, data / Marek Ostafil, Cyberus Labs
2. forward-looking strategies for cyber resilience: focus on employee skills, product development and research / Tobias Göcke, SupraTix GmbH
3. municipalities in focus: threat prevention through full-service awareness / Benjamin Balionis, Increase Your Skills GmbH
4. we'll protect you from cyber threats and outages / Stanislav Sorici, Blindspot

around 16:45 10-minute break
17:45 Presentation of the concept of EDIHs
18:00 Thematic tables (energy, mobility & infrastructure, cyber security)
19:00 Dinner and networking

8th BTU Transfer Day


Digitization in Lusatian SMEs - Innovative paths into the future
We decided to focus on this topic because, among other things, numerous companies stated in a company survey conducted by the MinGenTec network at the beginning of the year that the area of digitalization is of particular interest to them and is also a topic for future R&D projects. With our partner MinGenTec, we would therefore like to offer scientists and company representatives a platform for the exchange of know-how and experience as well as new findings and innovative solutions from research.

Digitalization is innovative – With the Transfer Day event format, we want to provide interesting suggestions, impart practical experience and valuable impulses and present exciting projects. In addition to the lecture program, laboratory visits and an exhibition area with projects and practical examples will be organized.

Giving insights - visiting research laboratories

As an additional offer, we offer a tour of the model hall of the Chair of Automation Technology from 11 a.m., guided by our EDIH pro_digital and the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Spreeland, as well as further opportunities in the CoLab, Research Center FZ 3H and Pantha Rhei.

Registration now possible

Innovations-Workshop: On course with the Inno Radar


The Inno Radar is a navigator to guide companies and business projectsideas into the future.
This workshop offers a two-part approach that combines essential knowledge with practical skills:

Part 1: Theoretical basics of the Inno Radar in Opp:Lab. 
Here you will get a solid foundation for the digital transformation tool and get answers to questions like:
🎯 What is the purpose of such a tool? 
📐 How can I structure and design my own radar? 
🌐 Which use cases are possible? 
🤝 How can content be worked on together?

Part 2: Practical application in the Tech:Lab 
After the theoretical introduction, we move on to the neighboring Tech:Lab, where you can deepen practical skills. Participation in a tutorial based on a real example, testing and time for questions.

Who is this workshop for? 
This free workshop is open to students, employees, startups, multipliers and transfer scouts who are interested in interactive tools. 
Previous experience is not required - we welcome participants with different backgrounds and levels of experience.
Secure your spot and embark on a journey of discovery: https://tinyurl.com/yrxolfqg

International EDIH Workshop "Smart Cities and Smart Regions"


How can we make our cities and regions smarter? What are the digital solutions to the challenges we face in energy efficiency, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity? How can we promote collaboration between companies, municipalities and research institutions?

These and other questions will be the focus of the free event "Smart Cities and Smart Regions - Digital Solutions for Public Administration", which will take place on November 13, 2023 from 2:30 am to 8:00 pm. The event is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises, startups, municipalities and research institutions interested in or offering smart city solutions.
The pan-European network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) will assist in finding the right digital solutions for your and municipal needs.

Further information: https://tinyurl.com/ype8uc7r

"Concrete casting with the help of 3D printed Gieẞforms" - Online Workshop


We will design custom molds using CAD software and prepare them for the 3D printer. Then we will mix the concrete, prepare our molds and pour them with concrete. After about 48 hours we can demold the whole thing and hope for a good result. This workshop will be experimental. We will only see if it succeeds in the very last step. See you there!

On Wednesday the 25.10.2023 on our YouTube-Kanal!

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