Funding opportunities - Digitization: How it works!

Get an overview of funding instruments for digitization in the enterprise and research and innovation projects in the field of digitization. Online event


Enterprise Europe Network Berlin-Brandenburg, pro_digital, Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg, Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie and MDZ Spreeland will provide you with a compact overview of regional, national and European funding programs during the event.

By means of one-pager pitches, we will give you an overview of the following relevant funding instruments related to digitization topics.

Part 1: Promoting digitization in the company:

Go-digital | National
digital jetzt | National
Go-digital | National

Part 2: Promotion of innovation projects in the field of digitization:

Transfer Bonus – Digitalisierung | Berlin
BIG-Transfer | Brandenburg
Innovationsfachkraft -Transfer | Berlin
Brandenburger Innovationsfachkräfte
Horizont Europa | EU
Digitales Europa | EU

We also present the extensive range of support services available in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region.

When: October 17, 2023 10am-12pm


Participation in the online event is free of charge.

Required registration available by October 16, 2023.


Dajana Pefestorff - Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH
+49 (0)331 730 61 315

Mona Meyer zu Kniendorf - Berlin Partner for Business and Technology GmbH
+49 (0)30 46302-532


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