EDIH Suedwest

Our experienced and broadly positioned consortium  offers you support tailored directly to your needs so that you can face the changes that digitalization brings with it with confidence. And the best thing about it: most of the services are largely free of charge for small and medium-sized companies and for public administration.

EDIH Thuringia - BMH

The European Digital Innovation Hub Thuringia incorporates the digital success vision and services as a consortium, coordinated by Bauhaus.Mobility (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Verkehrssystemplanung) including the members Bauhaus Weiterbildungsakademie Weimar e.V., BPV Consult GmbH, highQ Computerlösungen GmbH, NT Neue Technologien AG, Technische Universität Ilmenau (Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität, Thüringer Zentrum für Lernende Systeme und Robotik) and WeLoveApps GmbH.


P.R.I.D.E. will offer services capable of supporting and accelerating the digital transformation of the region’s economy and industry in Campania, allowing businesses, citizens and public administrations to benefit from its advantages.


Our EDIH NEB provides services to small, medium-sized companies (up to 499 employees) and public organisations primarily from the Liberec and Hradec Kralove regions. You will find here in one place all consulting, testing and implementation of digital technologies, services and training on the topic of digitalization or assistance with grant management.


CISPA is committed to the highest academic standards and scientific excellence. It offers a world-class research environment that provides extensive resources to its researchers. As a leading international research center for information security, CISPA is an exceptional place for the world's best talent and researchers.


To help Norwegian companies take part in this technological revolution, the leading artificial intelligence communities in Norway have come together and created Nemonoor. Our only goal is to get more Norwegian businesses to adopt artificial intelligence. At Nemonoor, you meet experts who not only know the possibilities inherent in advanced digital technologies, but who also understand your industry - such as production, health, energy or cities and society


Our regional European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) named LUBDIGHUB for Lublin, Poland is acting as a one-stop shop for the companies in the digital and green (energy) transformation. We provide complex services to support the deployment of new technologies and innovation to SMEs and public sector organisations conducting non-economic activities. We support developing capacities in High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Advanced Digital Skills. The specialization of LUBDIGHUB is green (energy) transformation.


The Dutch Societal Innovation Hub is the hub for strengthening interregional cooperation for a mission-driven approach in the public sector in times of data and digital technology. Together we are working on responsible, people-centered solutions for the societal challenges around climate-neutral cities and regions, healthy soil and biodiversity, and climate adaptation.  


DiGiNN is a one-stop-shop for all companies and public sector organisations, providing them an end-to-end experience in their digitisation journey; from coaching and mentoring by reputable experts, access to the most advanced infrastructure and facilities, support to find investments, to networking and access to innovation ecosystems.

Podcast "SME in the spotlight"


In just 10 minutes, we want to introduce you to our community and talk about your biggest challenges (data overload? Process optimizations? Employee search?) and discuss what support you would like from universities and transfer projects. 
The podcast is intended to strengthen cooperation between SMEs and research institutions and to focus on their most important topicand raise awareness of problems. 
Contact us if you want to join us and let's shape the digital future together!
Organisers: Transfer Office Europe University Viadrina supported by the EDIH pro_digital

🔉Recent episode: *Successful labour market integration in the region | NewStarters* Interview guest: Alaa Khal

Alaa Khal is a co-founder of NewStarters, the StartUp from the Berlin/Brandenburg region, which has set itself the task of successfully integrating foreign specialists into the German labor market. He is studying for a Master's degree in International Business Administration at the European University Viadrina.

➡ Current challenges in labor market integration 
➡ Solutions for the integration of refugees 
➡ Cooperation with Viadrina and research work

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