
A Practice Lab for Logistics (Learning Factory)

The "state of the art" in logistics at your fingertips

The practice lab depicts a typical logistics environment and integrates many new technologie. All applications are modular, easy to implement and tailored to Industry 4.0. The laboratory is used for workshops, integrating demonstrators and as a show room. 

The practice laboratory allows extensive testing of various networked logistic solutions in a simulated environment. This eliminates the need to interrupt ongoing operations. Furthermore, it enables analyses and simulation of company use cases. 

Digital twin technologies, automated guided vehicles, augmented reality / Virtual Reality, Real-Time Location System. Logistics 4.0, conveyer belt system, order picking system, material flow, connected system

How does it work? 
The automatic small parts warehouse comes with a directly connected order picking system and intelligent modular conveyor system, a spiral conveyor and belt conveyor

Located at TH Wildau, companies are welcomed to visit the practice laboratory and experience its practical implementation in the context of Logistics 4.0. It showcases material flow in a test setting, therefore it offers real support in organization of logistical processes in day-to-day business. 

  • Picking
  • Flow of goods and information
  • Innovative logistics solutions
  • Connection of systems and plants
  • Qualitätskontrolle
  • Real-Time Location System

Where can you access this demonstrator?
Hub Wildau. At the University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau; Hochschulring 1; 15745 Wildau


Digital Assistant with AR

Introduction to digital assistant with augmented reality

Beginner | 2 hours | 1 module | Financed by EU | Theory + practice


What you will learn


Automated Guided Vehicles

What is an AGV, what it can do and how it can be used

Beginner | 1 hour | 3 modules | Financed by EU | Theory + practice


What you will learn


In-line Quality Control

Introduction to the creation of an in-line quality control system

Beginner | 1 hour | 3 modules | Financed by EU | Theory + practice


What you will learn


Industrial Robotics and Cobots

Introduction to industrial robotics and its operation

Beginner | 1 hour | 3 modules | Financed by EU | Theory + practice


What you will learn


AR solutions

Augmented solutions with Android or Microsoft Hololens

Beginner | 1 hour | 1 module | Financed by EU | Theory + examples


What you will learn


AI for your daily business

AI principles and application understanding

Beginner | 1 hour | 1 module | Financed by EU |


What you will learn


AI4EU: Building the European AI On-Demand Platform AI4EU is the main initiative funded by the European Commission to create a supportive platform for European organizations to share AI knowledge and bring together AI research experts to support innovation and technology transfer to SMEs. As a Supportive Partner of AI4EU, TH Wildau promotes knowledge exchange between AI experts and AI recipients, supports the use of the platform and provides access to funding opportunities.


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