
AI country trip Brandenburg 2024

In the spring of 2024, the Brandenburg AI ecosystem will host the second Brandenburg AI Country Party to present the potential and special features of the country, its AI actors and the ecosystem to a broad public.


The aim is to raise public awareness of the importance of artificial intelligence for the modernization of industry and administration and to build trust in AI. The format of the rural area is chosen, on the one hand, to deliberately emphasise the rural facets of the rural area of Brandenburg. On the other hand, Brandenburg shows its innovative potential within this diverse regions as well as companies and research institutions that use and advance AI in a wide variety of application areas and fields of technology. The event is intended to provide powerful impulses for the exchange between AI actors as well as (potential) users and the general public.

We will carry out the event as a hybrid event in order to enable as many interested parties as possible to participate. Please register using the event links below, the places for the attendance dates are limited.


13.05. at DESY in Zeuthen | AI and Quantum Technology

14.05. With us from the EDIH pro_digital at OSZ Oder-Spree in Fürstenwalde | AI in vocational training

15.05. at Coconat in Klein Glien | AI and New Work

16.05. at PCK refinery in Schwedt/O. | AI and Predictive Maintenance

17.05. at Oranienwerk in Oranienburg for a Best of KI Landpartie

This event is organized by:

NET4AI togetherwith the ICT, Media and Creative Industries Cluster and Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg GmbH (TMB)

When: 13.05. - 17.05.2024 from 12:00 - 14:00

Where: various locations

Registration: https://innovatives-brandenburg.de

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