Münzstapel und EU Flagge im Hintergrund

The federal government also promotes research and development of companies for tax purposes. Further information at TH Wildau: https://www.th-wildau.de/index.php?id=32365

Information from the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)

Certificationbody for research allowance

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Program Family "Brandenburgischer Innovationsgutschein" (Brandenburg Innovation Voucher)

With the "Brandenburg Innovation Voucher" funding programme, innovation projects in Brandenburg's small and medium-sized enterprises (including craft enterprises)drives) in order to strengthen the competitiveness and innovative strength of SMEs. This is to be achieved through various program lines:

  • Measures to support the knowledge and technology transfer of research institutions in companies (big transfer)
  • Implementation of research and development projects (BIG-FuE)
  • Preparation and implementationg of digitisation measures in one's own company (BIG-Digital)
  • Support for participation in research, development and innovation-relevant EU funding measures (BIG-EU)

Entitled to apply are small and medium-sized enterprises according to the EU definition, including craft enterprises with a registered office or at least one permanent establishment in the state of Brandenburg and(except for BIG-digital) carry out the GRW-eligible activities and fulfil the primary effect. The policy is currently valid until 31.12.2023.

Further information from TH Wildau on the programme can be found at: https://www.th-wildau.de/forschung-transfer/zentrum-fuer-forschung-und-transfer/forschungsfoerderungen-und-finanzierung/brandenburgischer-innovationsgutschein/

Website of the donor (ILB – Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg) for the programme: https://www.ilb.de/de/wirtschaft/zuschuesse/brandenburgischer-innovationsgutschein-big/

General information at TH Wildau zu Förthe programmes for research and development: