Streaming and Climate Change

How harmful is streaming to the environment? There are already numerous studies, but the parameters alone are already very complex. In this lecture, you will learn about the techniques used, innovative approaches to "conserving resources" in the participating computer centres and tips for environmentally friendly streaming.


Speaker of the evening:
Dr.-Ing. Christian Herglotz (EDIH pro_digital), FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Technology (EEI), Chair of Multimedia Communication and Signal Processing (LMS)

The following aspects will be discussed in the lecture:
• Hardware on provider, transmission network and user side
• Quality aspects of video streaming
• Energy efficiency in standardisation (Green MPEG, maturity model)
• Tips for sustainable streaming

Participation is free of charge!

When: February 20, 2024 6-9pm

Where: Nuremberg University of Applied Sciences | Room: KA.440b | Keßlerplatz 12 | 90489 Nuremberg

Contact and registration: VDE Bayern - Verband Deutscher Elekrotechnik |