CHB - Connected Health Brandenburg Conference

How digital will the healthcare system in Brandenburg become?

The state conference on digitalization in the healthcare sector is back in a new format as "Connected Health Brandenburg 2024" (#CHB24):

The focus topics are outpatient digitalization, digital laws for better care and research in the healthcare sector, AI in medicine as well as securing care in rural areas. With workshops and innovative methods such as Lego® Serious Play® and speed matching, networking and practice-oriented exchange will be made easy and really fun at this symposium.



The #CHB24 symposium brings together stakeholders from Brandenburg's healthcare sector, including start-ups, dentists/doctors, local authorities, research institutions, hospitals, pharmacies, companies from and for the healthcare industry, politicians and social partners in the field of digital health. Various formats offer a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge as well as opportunities to initiate digital projects.  

The #CHB24 is the result of the further development of the former "State Conference for Digitalization in Healthcare", which the DigitalAgentur Brandenburg (DABB) took over from the Telemed Initiative and is now hosting in a new format in cooperation with the Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation (WFBB), the Brandenburg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVBB) and the University of Potsdam. 

When: 28 February 2024, 9:45 am – 3:30 pm with subsequent get-together

Where: Potsdam (University of Potsdam, Griebnitzsee Campus)

Registration and information: