
5G day at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

Since spring 2024, BTU's self-sufficient 5G network is operating and can be used by regional companies free of charge. We will inform you about the many possibilities of this network.



From 9:30 am: Registration and exchange with small snack and drinks

Block 1: 10:30-12:00 Introduction and basics
10:30: Welcome by the iCampµs team

10:40-11:00: Presentation of 5G network at the BTU and status quo — Nokia/Smart Mobile Labs

11:00-11:15: Opportunities for companies to use

11:15-11:30: Application presentation: Digital alarm servers

11:30-12:00: Teaser/pitch – participating companies

12:00-13:00: Lunch donated by Nokia and networks

Block 2: 13-15 Practical part in the laboratory
13:00-13:30: Best practice examples such as image analysis/object recognition in real time from Smart Mobile Labs or the ASCOM alarm server in connection with the ASCOM smartphone Myco4

13:30-14:45: Be active at the participation stations of nokia, Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Spreeland and the BTU

Nokia/Smart Mobile Labs/ASCOM stations:
Alarm management, employee protection, mobile communication, connection of medical devices, task management, real-time video distribution on 5G Smartphones with object/person detection

Stations of the Mittelstand Digital Zentrum Spreeland: Data glove, cyber-physical factory, virtual reality collaboration

BTU 5G team stations: Drone swarms, real-time network analysis, milling machine

14:45-14:50 Group photo

14:50-15:00 Summary and farewell

When: 22.01.2025 | 09:30 - 15:00

Where: Teaching building 3A (LG 3A)
Central campus
Siemens-Halske-Ring 14
03046 Cottbus

Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christine Ruffert, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg / Innovation Manager in the iCampus project, T 49 (0)355 69 4763, Echristine.ruffert (at)b-tu.de, https://icampus-cottbus.de/


Visit to the model factory in Cottbus

Digitisation for SMEs in practice - hands-on innovative solutions

Introducing an event with the BVMW - Federal Association of SMEs, EDIH pro_digital and MDZ Spreeland

Exoskeletons as future technology

This workshop is offered as part of Connect Health Brandenburg 2025 and is aimed at employees in nursing professions in hospitals and companies.

AI evening in Spremberg

The Spremberg office, together with the Kreisvolkshochschule (adult education center), invites you to an inspiring and informative lecture on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI).


Open Lab Day ViNN:Lab

Open Lab Day - Open for All.

From now on, the ViNN:Lab is open again as part of the weekly Open Lab Day.