Open Lab Day – Open to everyone from 30st of August


Every Wednesday you can visit us in the Lab from 9 am to 7 pm and realize your projects. For those who are visiting the ViNN:Lab for the first time, there will be an initial briefing by a member of the Lab staff.

Information about the ViNN:Lab of the TH Wildau:

To the blog of the ViNN:Lab:

Information about the research group Innovation and Regional Research at TH Wildau:

Mobile digital factory


On August 28, 2023, the Hub Wildau will host a demonstration of the roadshow "Mobile Digital Factory" at the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) in Zeuthen.
Here, employees, trainees and interested parties of the research center can learn and experience a variety of possibilities for automation and optimization in the company.
We are very much looking forward to the exchange around the digitalization of the future!
You can find out more about the roadshow here:

Learn more about the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) here:


Research Allowance Act

The federal government also promotes research and development of companies for tax purposes. Further information at TH Wildau:

Information from the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)

Certificationbody for research allowance

State of

Program Family "Brandenburgischer Innovationsgutschein" (Brandenburg Innovation Voucher)

With the "Brandenburg Innovation Voucher" funding programme, innovation projects in Brandenburg's small and medium-sized enterprises (including craft enterprises)drives) in order to strengthen the competitiveness and innovative strength of SMEs. This is to be achieved through various program lines:

  • Measures to support the knowledge and technology transfer of research institutions in companies (big transfer)
  • Implementation of research and development projects (BIG-FuE)
  • Preparation and implementationg of digitisation measures in one's own company (BIG-Digital)
  • Support for participation in research, development and innovation-relevant EU funding measures (BIG-EU)

Entitled to apply are small and medium-sized enterprises according to the EU definition, including craft enterprises with a registered office or at least one permanent establishment in the state of Brandenburg and(except for BIG-digital) carry out the GRW-eligible activities and fulfil the primary effect. The policy is currently valid until 31.12.2023.

Further information from TH Wildau on the programme can be found at:

Website of the donor (ILB – Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg) for the programme:

General information at TH Wildau zu Förthe programmes for research and development:

Infosfera Magazine Interview


EDIH Pride is part of the European network of Digital Innovation Centers (EDIHs), with the goal of supporting the digital transformation of industry, especially SMEs, and public administration through the use of advanced digital technologies, artificial intelligence, high-performance computing and information security.

On page 22 you can read the interview with pro_digital, discussing, among other things, digitalization in Germany, especially in Brandenburg, the opportunities for SMEs and public authorities in digital development, and the impact of company locations such as Tesla in the area.

Green-Screen Tutorial Online-Workshop


Whether it's for photo and video projects or your next online meeting, we'll give you the basics to get you started. We also have a few suggestions for you on how to creatively use a green screen.

You can find the video of the workshop after the release on our YouTube channel! At the VINN:Lab of TH Wildau you can learn different digital skills. 

The VINN:Lab is a makerspace that features a variety of uses for innovative rapid prototyping technologies, such as 3D printing, and enables their creative and easy use. Workshops are also offered, such as "Blender Basics." You can visit the VINN:Lab during the weekly Open Lab Day to learn more about the opportunities offered. 

Information about the ViNN:Lab at TH Wildau:
To the blog of the ViNN:Lab:
Information on the Innovation and Regional Research Group at TH Wildau:

Open Lab Day ViNN:Lab


Every Wednesday you can visit us in the Lab from 9 am to 7 pm and realize your projects. For those who are visiting the ViNN:Lab for the first time, there will be an initial briefing by a member of the Lab staff.

Information about the ViNN:Lab of the TH Wildau:

To the blog of the ViNN:Lab:

Information about the research group Innovation and Regional Research at TH Wildau:

TH Wildau

We are a modern campus university and align our offerings with current developments. We put people at the center. We combine tradition and modernity, are regionally rooted and internationally networked.
Together, we increase the attractiveness of our study and research location and show ways in an increasingly fast-changing world. We strengthen cooperation. We combine teaching, research and transfer and test new forms of regional and international cooperation.

BTU Cottbus Senftenberg

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus Senftenberg develops practice-relevant solutions for future issues and offers students a challenging education with individual support. It promotes cultural diversity through internationalization and enriches university interaction. All members of the university community contribute to its success and strengthen skills and enthusiasm among students and employees.


"The network is currently comprised of 151 EDIHs that are co-funded by the European Commission´s Digital Europe Programme

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