

Venture Innovation Lab

TH Wildau's Venture Innovation Lab (short: ViNN:Lab) is a makerspace that is characterized by a wide range of applications of innovative rapid prototyping technologies, such as 3D printing, and enables their creative and easy use.

This happens within the framework of:

  • Teaching & Research
  • Workshops for school kids at KiVi:Lab
  • aswell as Third Mission Projects

The ViNN:Lab is open to anyone interested in tinkering with their own ideas.

New products or business ideas can be created in the lab, furniture can be designed or construction elements developed, and electrical engineering and programming can be learned.

Current workshop offers and booking options can be found at

Where can you get to know this demonstrator?
Hub Wildau. University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Hochschulring 1
15745 Wildau

Digital Boot camp: compact, effective, groundbreaking!


What can you expect?

Digital-Check: Based on the maturity analysis, you will receive a comprehensive analysis of the current digital maturity of your company.

Methods: Get different implementation methods for digital transformation processes that you can reflect on and test on site.

AI made easy: Learn how you can use artificial intelligence for your purposes.

IT security: Through practical applications, we show you simply and comprehensibly, what cybersecurity means and how you can protect yourself.

Your benefits?

  • Practical knowledge
  • Establish new contacts
  • Sustainable results

Important information: 
No participation fee. The number of participants is limited to 20 places! Secure your place. Your registration is binding – after confirmation by e-mail, your place is secured. Please let us know if you do not participate. 

Funding Opportunites - ProFIT


Funding applications are complex, but are of great benefit to companies. Therefore, our concern is to minimize this bureaucratic effort. Together with the WFBB, we have prepared a workshop series for this year that gives SMEs in the region a good look at the current funding opportunites for your digitisation project. You will learn which measures are fundable and at the same time receive compact information about eligibility and what further steps are necessary.

Therefore, register for the webinar series today and get informed in just 30 minutes. Simply contact us and we will be happy to support you and your request.

Funding opportunities - GRW and JTF


Funding applications are complex, but are of great benefit to companies. Therefore, our concern is to minimize this bureaucratic effort. Together with the WFBB, we have prepared a workshop series for this year that gives SMEs in the region a good look at the current funding opportunites for your digitisation project. You will learn which measures are fundable and at the same time receive compact information about eligibility and what further steps are necessary.

Therefore, register for the webinar series today and get informed in just 30 minutes. Simply contact us and we will be happy to support you and your request.

Discover, Test & Network: Great Opening of the new Innovation Lab Potsdam


What to expect?

  • Motivation talks and discussions with experts about "Digitisation and AI" as well as "New creative working environments".
  • Innovation rally with digital demonstrators including: 
    • VR Altitude Training
    • ViCtor - "Connect Four" game against AI-combined robot
    • Virtual tour of the Cottbus model factory
    • "Build Green" MR solution for sustainable construction
  • Tour the Innovation Lab and the construction site of the Creative District of Potsdam
  • Networking and ending the day together

Interview with experts from the EDIH pro_digital in the Märkische Oderzeitung


In the interview, Martin Lautsch emphasises how AI not only helps to identify complex patterns, but also makes administrative processes more efficient. These automations create space for medical staff to devote themselves more intensively to patient care. In addition, the role of AI in preventive medicine and personalized therapy will be examined that have the potential to sustainably improve medical care.
Read the full article in the Märkische Oderzeitung above to learn more about the exciting developments in the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

AR Workshop: More efficient thanks to AR-based assistance systems


The basics of AR technology will be presented briefly and compactly in the online seminar. In addition to the different types, technological prerequisites and fields of application are shown.
The workshop provides a basic understanding of the possibilities and functioning of AR technology and helps to answer questions in dealing with AR-based assistance systems, possiblee to clarify concerns and find out whether adopting such solutions is an option for their own company.

The following aspects will be discussed during the online workshop:
• What is augmented reality and how does the technology differ from virtual reality?
• In which business areas can AR be used and whichWhat advantages does this offer?
• What challenges and problems can be solved with AR?
• How extensive is the implementation of your own AR projects and what should absolutely be taken into account?


• What is augmented reality
• Development history of AR systems
• Application examples for AR-Assistencils systems (selection)
• Product presentation
• Planning, remote maintenance)
• What is needed?
• Mobile, stationary and wearable hardware
• How can you develop your own AR apps?
• What needs to be considered
• What tracking methods are there
• What software can be used to create

The workshop is aimed in particular at responsiblein the management, production and plant management, as well as service and maintenance, who want to gain initial access to the technology. This explicitly addresses small and medium-sized companies from industry and crafts. It is possible to integrate industry-specific use cases for better comprehensibility.

The workshop can optionallyOnline or in person (e.g. in our model factory in Cottbus) and usually takes about 45 to 60 minutes. Depending on the mode and location, it is then possible to try out mobile or stationary demonstrators when conducting the workshop in person.


The Inno Radar

The Inno Radar app is an innovative solution for the systematic exploration and application of new technologies.

The challenge?
In today's corporate landscape, monitoring existing and emerging technologies is an omnipresent challenge and a trend that continuously presents opportunities and risks. Historical examples such as Nokia and Kodak show that overlooking such developments can cost companies their market leadership.for small and medium-sized enterprises, it is a considerable challenge to identify technological trends at an early stage and to act accordingly. A proactive approach to new digital technologies and their potential is therefore essential.

Our solution?
The Inno Radar app is an innovative solution for systematic exploration and applicationnew technologies. Users can collect, evaluate, discuss and share information. By creating customizable radars tailored to specific use cases, the app provides a structured overview of technological developments. Teams can collaborate and share their insights in an interactive way, making the Inno Radar app ais an indispensable tool for technology management.

The methodology
behind the Inno Radar app is based on the concept of technology radar, a graphical visualization that arranges technologies in a circular layout, divided by quadrants and rings. This presentation provides a clear overview of the current research statusand the economic potential of the technologies. Quadrants represent specific areas of technology, while the rings indicate the proximity to market maturity.

How does it work?
The app not only helps users to collect and evaluate data, but also to disseminate the results. The Inno Radar app is characterized by high user-friendlinessand adaptable design options and effective collaboration functions. Users can create, present, and share interactive radars without additional software. Results can be exported in various formats such as PDF, CSV or PowerPoint, and the responsive design ensures seamless use on all devices.

Where can youget to know this demonstrator?
Visit to discover sample radars or register for free. Start by unlocking the potential of new technologies for your business and stay one step ahead with Inno Radar.

Prof. Dr. Dana Mietzner

Dr. Christian Herglotz

Electrical and information engineering engineer, expert in IT, VR, video communiand sustainable hardware and software implementation for image and video

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